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At the restaurant, after the museum date~

Sure jimin wasn t that poor guy who will have his mouth hanging just by the sight of the fancy restaurant, but that s exactly what he was, although he was from a rich familly, he couldn t go to places like these for the simple reason, he s friendless ( if that s even a word).

He was following jungkook inside like a lost poppy, he didn t knew the restaurant, but he can tell that it s expensive from it s design and type of food they serve.

Jungkook was known there but jimin was not, he was feeling slightly uncomfortable but he thinks that it s his date with jungkook, he can t ruin it, he was lost in his thoughts until jungkook suddently stopped and jimin bumped him looking more confused than ever. 

Jungkook turned to look at the smaller who was clenching his small hand on his jacket.

"We 've arrived baby." He says as he was opening the door for jimin to enter " After you princess" Jungkook says smirking at the blushing boy in front of him, so as jimin was in , the taller pulled jimin s chair for him to sit on it comfortably

"thank you" Jimin muttered smelling jungkook s manly sent making him blush even more.

Jungkook then made his way to his seat and dit comfortably " So what do you want to eat princess?" He asked looking at jimin " Anything, i m good with everything."

"Okay, the waiter will be here in a sec" As jungkook finished his sentence he heard someone knock the door of his private room," You can enter."

The waiter than entered bowing at the both of them before looking for what they want to eat. " As everytime, thank you."

" Okay sir." He says quitely before making his way out, so they were all alone there, only the both of them.

An awkward silent followed the sound of the closed door, it was intense especially for jimin, he was new to all of this, that was it before jungkook decided to break the silence ," So jimin, how was the date?"

"It was awsome jungkook, thank you very much."

"You have to like stop thanking me, cause i guess things between us will change from now on"

"What do you mean kookie?" Jimin asked being the innocent human being he is , jungkook then smirked looking at the smaller who was all frustrated.

"Maybe we can try something new jimin."

"Like what?"

"Come here first " Jungkook says patting on his lap, mentionning to jimin to sit on it which jimin did gladly.

"Now what?" Jimin asked confused

"Now kiss me" Jungkook says looking at the smaller with loving eyes making his heart flutter 'why s my heart reacting like this ' jimin muttered ' if he wants a kiss i ll give it to him, that s the least thing i can do, right?' ( don t forget that all of this is fake, sooo...)

Jimin then leaned in closing his eyes to finally meet jungkook s plump lips, he began to deepen the kiss, kissing jungkook s lips each one apart before poking his tongue to access to jungkook s mouth, jimin at these moments wasn t aware of the man who s taking pictures of him right now, he was just lost in the moment.

As he heard the knock he leaned up suddently as a reflex trying to get up from jungkook s lap but the taller was faster an grabbed him by his hips digging his fingertips in it so he won t leave.

Jimin had no choice aside of accepting the reality, so he resit helplessly but hugging jungkook placing his face in the crook of the dom neck as he heard the door opening, he smelled sushi and sea food scent, and oh how much he liked sea food, so he waited until the waiter muttered his' enjoy you meal' and went out so he removed his face from jungkook s neck giggling and blushing.

"Why did you do that" He whined earing a chuckle from the other before he patted his head giving him his cute bunny smile, jimin felt his heart was going to explode, hell yea! He like jungkook, but he felt like his feelings for him were growing at a high speed , he felt like he s attached to jungkook, like his life won t be completed if he wasn t there.

He thanked his grandma internally for teaching him some of sexual things as she knew that the boy wasn t that educated about such things, but then it served him, and she was the one who told him about the panties and sex toys, and so him being the curious jimin, he wanted to try it .

He smiled back to jungkook before going back to his seat to enjoy his meal.

Jimin and jungkook were having small conversations , jimin praised the food a lot , suddently jimin s phone rang, but as jimin saw who was calling, he felt like his blood freezed in the center of his heart, he looked terrified and jungkook noticed it.

"Who s calling you baby? Everything s okay?" He says with a sweet and concerned tone.

"No, it s my dad, he don t call me often, so this call might be sooo important "

"Then answer it." Jimin nodded doing what jungkook said.

Phone call~

"Hello da_

" You d better get you ass here park jimin!'

"D dad w whay happene_

" Now!"

Jimin couldn t form a simple phrase before his dad hang up, and so jimin stood up looking at jungkook with wide eyes.

" Jungkook i have to go home."

"Okay, i ll give you a ride, this seems important."

"It is jungkook, it s more dangerous than you think it is."

'What s going on!' Jungkook thought furiously as the night didn t end up the way he wanted it to be, but it s okay he had time, so it s okay, he gained a little of jimin s heart today, if not all of it.


"It s over ~ now we ll see what you ll do next mr Park ~" The third person says amused looking at the dangerous informations in front of him.
"Will your smartness save you this time too? I don t think so~" He says to himself amused.

Phew! Thank you guys sooo much for reading my shity chapiters, i really appreciate, but please vote if you liked it, just for me to be motivated to complete the story, i m relying on you beautiful people 😍😘.

Hmm..should i start some action the next chapiter, maybe.....

Omg!! I m just soo exited about BTS comeback 🤘😏🤘, it ll be lit.

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