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I'm bacc,,,,,,,,, idjdhdiiebehdueidgh


Jimin then felt an acute pain in his tummy making him bow in pain, it felt like his tummy will burst open if he moves any further, yes it was that painful, but he couldn't think of anything beside of what he just saw, and that was more painful than what he's feeling right now.

There lays his most beloved friend, his family,his aunty, his hero, lifeless. You could easily tell that she couldn't breath anymore because of the bullet who entered her mouth and has visibly exited from the top of her forehead, and the amouth of blood was horrifying.

Jimin didn't waste any second, and went to her limping 'cause he coudn't walk properly because of the pain, his tummy was already looking plump and swollen.

" It's fine, it's fine, it's fine,...." Jimin repeated as his eyes were the definition of sadness and loss, yes he did kill people the same way , but not her... She can't leave him now, she have to see his baby growing, she has to hold the new born baby in her hands, she has to be the first one.

" Tsk tsk tsk, it has been a long time, but i'm not getting any attention in here. " Someone ( a/n : i believe you know him, but i had to do so you know, 👀) said, jimin knows this voice really well, it was his voice, jimin couldn't move an inch, his mind freezing as he was holding the lifeless body in his arms.

Suddenly, the pain got sharper, then it hits him, maybe it's time, but even though he didn't even turn around, he knows he's weak now, he can't fight anyone, so what about fighting jungkook, it's impossible. So all he could think about was running, escaping, saving his baby from this mess of a life he has and wishes his baby will never have.

So all he did was ignoring his pain and running through the hallways, down the stairs, and through the door, but he didn't hear anyone following him, but when he looked up at the window, he say the most frightening look in the eyes of the one who he despises and hate the most, it was the look of you know you won't escape me with a smirk drown on his perfectly thin lips.

Jimin then ran away holding his tummy in his hand as if it'll make the baby stop going out, " Not now, not now..." Jimin repeated as the pain got suddenly unbearable, he then gave up to it and layed himself on the ground, face down as he was squirming around.

" I hope it won't be like you." Jungkook says, jimin then lifted his head a little to see him, it was so humiliating. He knows that jungkook won't help him go through this .

Jimin knew that he can't give birth by himself,'cause when it comes the males it's ot the same as females, he need someone to give him help so it won't be that hard for him, that was the normal case, but of course not jimin's case. ( sorry jimin 😔)

" Pl-please..." Jimin said a tear rolling down his face to land on the grass wetting it. " No no, don't please me, it's my duty to help you, i'm the father after all."

Jungkook then put his foot on jimin's swollen tummy and pressed on it, making jimin scream in pain as he held on jungkook's foot trying to move it, " N-no, jungkook please, let it live,i need it." Jimin begged but in vain. Jungkook don't have a bit of mercy in his heart, especially toward jimin,but then it hits him, he shouldn't kill the baby.

Jimin then continued sqirming, screaming and pushing, pulling his hair, but what should he do, the baby can't go out as his pants were still on. Panting heavily, jimin pulled his pants down under jungkook's humiliating gaze and then his boxers. Then, as much humiliating it may seem, he lifted his legs to place his knees on both sides of his tummy to push again grimacing as the head of the baby started to come out.

Jungkook was feeling powerful over him, but he couldn't lie, jimin's thighs were tempting. Jimin continued pushing with all his force to let the baby out.

Finally the baby came out, laying on the grass, as jungkook didn't want to lift her like that, yes it was a girl, and a very powerful one in the future, but jimin couldn't take all of this , so all he could do was lay on the ground, blood everywhere, his baby connected to him, unconscious.


Will jikook happen, or will it never? ☹️ 😏

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