point of non-return

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Thank you guys soo much for your comments, i ve read all of them and i really appreciate them 😊. So i'll continue this story just for my beautiful readers.😘❤

'Jimin go to your room. Now!' Jungkook murmured in jimin s ear after telling his invitees to ignore what happened which they did, 'cause jungkook is the most powerful among them, and they know their places.

'I ll treat him good, but later' jungkook says to himself before going to resume the party that has a lot of black things going on between jungkook and the invitees, it was business.

Jimin had returned to his room all sweaty, he didn t knew what got over him, probably he was just possessive when it comes to jungkook, but now he knows that jungkook won t let what happened pass peacefully, so he just sat there waiting for the worst to happen.

He was aware that jungkook will choose the most painful ways to torture him, as much as he thinks of it, he got even more stressed out about what will happen next.

When the party was close to it's end jungkook murmured something to his staff, junghyun, who nodded at it and went running out of the mansion bringing two or three guards with him.

The party ended, and the guests started to say their goodbyes until it was only jungkook in the room.

He smirked as he heard muffeled screams coming from the front door, he knew they arrived, the two of them were handcuffed, and their eyes and mouth were covered securely .

He signaled to the guards to just bring them to a room like jimin's.

Jungkook then went to jimin's room confidently holding a gun in his hand, he knew it'll be fun.

Jimin was still in the room as he heard footsteps coming closer, he knew who's and he was too afraid to admit it, he started to breath heavily as he heard him open the door.

When jungkook saw the smaller s state he giggled amused by the sight in front of him , the boy was about to piss himself, he was shaking so hard looking at him with pleading eyes to just let him go in peace.

"My my! Why are you that scared of me? I m your husband remember? You've been shouting it there while i told you not to.

Don't you remember what i told you that night if you try saying that we're married? Huh? can you recall it or not?" Jungkook says calmly but his tone made jimin only grow more scared of the taller s reaction. He couldn t say a word.

"You seem not to remember it right? But you'll know what'll happen really soon." Jungkook says before pointing the gun on jimin, the little one widdened his eyes, 'will jungkook really do it? I think he can t deal with me anymore' jimin knew he had no escape from this, so he just closed his eyes waiting for his death.

Jimin heard jungkook s footsteps coming near him again to stop in front of him, he felt like fainting, he was feeling cold from all the seat that was covering his body.

Jungkook then caressed jimin s cheek with the cold metal making him shiver but not opening his eyes.

He then pulled jimin s hand and put the gun on it's palm.

Jimin opened his eyes quickly looking at jungkook with a questioning look.

"Come with me" Jungkook says pulling the boy out of his room to make his way to another one.

Jimin entered the dark room, he can t see anything, but he was okay with it, he overcommed his phobia due to all the time he spent in his dark cold room.

But then suddenly the lights went on to reveal two familiar figures to jimin,they were still bandaged, so they couldn t see him,but can hear it all clearly, he still has the gun in his hand, so he probably knew what jungkook was demamding.

"So jimin, you have two choices, either you kill one of them and the other will go freely, or you don't kill anyone but i ll kill both of them. What do you think ? Sounds like fun right?"

Jimin felt his mouth dry, he couldn t speak he was just looking at jungkook in disbelief.

"Zimin if dat you" He heard his grandma say as he teared up before bursting into tears, he can t choose between them, they re his only family, he loves them so much .

"Jimin?" His grandpa says.

"Y-yes?" Jimin answered still crying his heart off, thinking hard about what will he do next.

Youngi that was behind them made their mouths free to talk easily.

"Jimin baby, were you living with this brat all this time? " The grandma blurted out.
"Yeah, i heard him fart in the hallway, it was DISGASTING!" silence went all over the room, no one dared to say something or make a sound.

"What? " He said making his wife scoff at him.

"Can't you like, just for once be serious, we're about to get killed in here and you re there talking about farts and shits?! Why did i marry you in the first place?"

"Grandma, what should i do?" Jimin says in a pleading tone as he knew she's the smartest that can help him there.

"Jimin, baby, you know we love you right?"

"Right!" Mark says making the grandma hiss furiously at him, so he got scared and just shut up.

" Jimin , we all know that not all of us will go out of this room alife. I give you the right to kill me, i m older than him so i m responsible towards him, please jiminie just shoot me, and let you grandpa live." The grandma says still keeping her composure.

"No! What are you talking about?! I m the man so i m the one to do sacrifices not you! Weren t you the one saying that my head is like a stone? So it won t break that easily"

Silence got over the situation one more time, jimin was still thinking of something to save them both but he just couldn t, jungkook began to feel bored.

"Plus" Mark continued" I don t want you dead. You know that i love you. You were the one that gave me the chance to feel love, and i can t live without you." Mark states as he began tearing up knowing that it s the end.

"E-enough with it!" The grandma says frustrated with a cracked voice, "i said just kill me jimin! He's still a kid, please jiminie."

"Okay enough with the drama! Imma counting to ten, and jimin you have to shoot one of them 'till death in this time, or i ll just kill both of them . And it starts now!"


Omg what should i do?!! I can t, i can t, i can t!

Jimin poited at his grandpa first with trumbeling hands.

"5! Whoops, my bad!"

I have to shoot , i have to shoot.
Jimin was sweating his vision went blurred.

"8! Omg i m really bad at counting"

Jimin closed his eyes strongly pointing the gun at his grandpa.

"9! Jimin last chance"

Jimin then shooted him right in the heart.
Jimin opened his eyes feeling guilt rush all over him seeing his grandpa s state, he was dead, and it s because of jungkook.

"JIMIN!! OMG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! WHAY JIMIN WHY?!" The grandma yelled crying loudly knowing that the man she loves is dead!"

Jungkook couldn t take her screaming anymore so he just shoot her too making jimin flinch before looking blanckly at him, jimin had no energy left to cry or yell at jungkook.

'I m sorry, i m sorry, i m sorry, i m sorry....' He kept membeling his apologizes looking at his hands, he knew that they didn t have him as a son, they would be alive and happy now . His vision went blured before it turned all black.

Things will change from next chapter
So be prepared( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
And happyyy AIDD for my muslim readers😊🤗

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