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"What the hell happened here!!?" Jungkook shouted at one of the guards.

"S-sir we_" He couldn t complete his sentence as jungkook chooted him right beteween his eyebrows, he found his only family dead in his office alone. First it was his mom and dad and now Changmin , he felt it all, guilt to not being here tonprotect him, the hate for jimin because all the evidences were against the Park family.

"Where were you??! You FOOLS!!" Jungkook shouted at all of the staff .

"From today, i'm the one who ll rool and guide all of this, i ll take his place. And don t you dare go against me. Understood!?"

"Yes master!" They all shouted.

"Good, now go back to your business"

The next morning Changmin funerals began, Jungkook wasn t there because of two reasons, he don t like crying over someone cause he had enough, and he don t believe in these things, instead he started his plan that will guarenty his revenge.

Jimin was all bruised, he had blood all over his body, his pale skin turned purple, blue, red, he was turning skinny from all the pain and the bad nutrition, he thought at first that this will only be a one week thing but it has been a month now, and his dad never asked about him, he felt hurt phisicaly and emotionaly, and what cheered him up were the constant visits of jungkook, he always sneek into the room and jimin will cry his heart off huging him and telling him all, he told jungkook all of his secrets, his family issues, his personal things, he trusted him, and his feelings for him has developped, jimin think that he have jungkook and only jungkook, he loves him with all of his heart, and jungkook knew this, and was pretty satisfied with it, he knews that the more jimin loves him he ll get hurt even more.

But what both of them didn t know is that jimin 's abuser was his own brother, jin, and he knew it all, he knows that jungkook s visiting jimin and he just let them be, because even if it s forbidden, he loves his brother Park Jimin in a different way, even if he whip and torture him, he was trying to go easy on him and not hurting him that much, he sometimes cry on his own for what he s doing to the love of his life.

Jin and jimin were really close to each other when they were kids, but after a few years jin began to be mean to his brother, and jimin didn t know why, he didn t know that his brother was having these feelings that he shouldn t be feeling, he felt jealousy, love and even lust, so he decided to make jimin feel that the elder hates him just to hide his love and big heart for jimin.


"Jimin! Today is the day, are you ready baby?" Jungkook asked, they were planing on making jimin escape this hell. Jin of course was hearing them, and when he knews about his plan he felt tears sliding warmly on his cheeks 'the day has come, huh?' He thought to himself knowing that he ll lose him now, and probably not going to see him again.

"Yes jungkook, let s go" Jimin says with soft voice.

"Don t open your eyes until i tell you to."

"Kay" Was the last thing jimin says before he felt strong arms lifting him up, he wasn t really aware of his surroundings but he does hear chooting sounds , and soon he heard other steps adding to jungkook s.

'who are they?' He thought to himself, he was then felt like he was in a car with someone beside him, and then it started rolling. After some minutes he heard jungkook's voice.

"You can open your eyes now baby."
Jimin then opened his eyes before hugging jungkook like his life depends on it.

"I was scared" He says crying in jungkook s embrace.

"It s okay baby, i m here now." Jungkook says carresing jimin s locks.

Jimin then felt really weak and heavy so he passed out with his small hand griping on jungkook s shirt, not being aware of what is waiting for him.

Omg i thought my story has been deleted, thanks god 😇🙏👼 it s still here.
We re almost 2K reads, thank ya🙏

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