don t hurt me

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Mr Park was siting in the office concentrating on his laptob that contained his presentation for their next plan, suddenly, the laptob was off and a picture of a scary man laughing at him was flashed, he was furious trying to fix it, but it seems like the picture was glued to the screen.

A moment after, he heard his phone ringing it was his loyal assistant, kim namjoon, he was pretty smart and strong either phisically or mentally. So Mr Park answered the call keeping his composure.

Phone call~

MP: Yes Namjoon.

Nj: sir, our computers were hacked, the screens show a man laughing, and all of our informations are either transfered to another computer or definitly deleted .

MP: i know , same here. Can you suggest a solution?

Nj: Sir, our data processing proffetionals are working on it, but they claimed that it can be impossible to return all the information.

MP: Ok, i rely on you namjoon to solve this.

Mr Park hung up feeling his furious again, he remembered the USB he gave to jimin before, he smirked at his thought so he decided to give his son a call, jimin was a bit tard to respond so Mr Park s angriness increased.

And after their so called conversation, hi sat there waiting for jimin to come. And after a few minutes he heard a knock on his door, he gave the person the permission to enter, it was jimin who was looking clearly terrified .

"Long time no see son"

"H-hi dad, how are you?"

" I ll not be fine if you don t give me back what i gave you last time."

"Aw! Y-you mean the USB?"


"Okay dad, wait for me , one minute and i ll come back, it s in my room."

Mr Park didn t respond looking at jimin leaving from the door.

Jimin POV:

Phew! It wasn't that serious after all, let s end with this soon, i m soo tired and i want to talk to kookie, i said to myself while smiling looking at the stairs beneith me.

I m in my room now, so i made my way to my cupboard opening it so i came directly in contact with my cache, i tapped the password, but when i opened it, i felt like peeing myself, the USB key wasn t there, i searched a thousand times, i wasn t feeling my hands nor my knees, i was sweating to much, ' HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY THIS TO HIM!!' i said half screaming half whispering tugging on my hair pulling it nervously.

This time, i fucked up for sure , but who stole it from here?? Jungkook! No no no no he can t do this to me, i guess i wasn t concentrating while putting it here so the fell somewhere, but i searched every corner of my room.

There s no way i can escape my dad angriness, i ll just face him and say what happened. My vision was blurred while walking down the stairs to my father s room, i turned the knob with trembeling hands feeling shivers running down his spine when his eyes met with his father s sharp ones.

The father could conclued what happened from the look on his son s face , and he goes crazily furious increasing his steps speed to the trembling little boy before slapping him across his face with full force , jimin knew that this will be his father s reaction.

"You lost it right!?" He said screaming at the little boy he then decided to punish him severly.

"Answer you useless peace of shit! I shouldn t trust you in the first placed! " He said giving him the sharpest look before calling his guards. Jimin was feeling hurt, terrified, cause he knows exactly what his dad will do to him.

He knew that they have a torture room in there mansion that it was mainly used against there enemies, but today it ll be usef against jimin.

The poor little boy was dragged to that room, when he firstly steped inside it, in a more right way to say, he was thrown in it .

He felt like his temperature decreased, that room was extrememly cold, but what terrified him was the dry blood on the walls and the floor, he knew that a lot of people died here and that it was possible that he ll die here soon.

Two of the guards steped forward to jimin they chained him up on the wall, making him in the christ position after leaving in his boxers only, then they went out and a tall and well toned big guy came inside the big room .

But what made jimin about to throw up in fear was that the guy was holding a lot of torture equipement that seemed so harsh.

Jimin was vulnerable and so weak he just looked at the guy who has his face masked with teary eyes.

'please, don t hurt me.' Jimin begged almost whispering sounding so pathetic. He didn t know that he was in realy bad hands that don t know what mercy is.
   Hey my beautiful readers, im soooo sorry this chapiter s really short but i m just i little tired these days, ya know i have to use these summer vacation as much as i can.

________________   Hey my beautiful readers, im soooo sorry this chapiter s really short but i m just i little tired these days, ya know i have to use these summer vacation as much as i can

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I just wanted to say that this pout made my day.
So yea hope you guys enjoyed it.
And pleaase don t forget to vote, cause you re my motivation to continue writing this. Love ya🤗

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