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Jimin opened his eyes seeing the same sight again, darkness, he was feeling depressed, he can t believe that his beloved grandparents,his only family, is gone now, probably he still loves jungkook, but he'll never forgive him for doing so to the closest people to his heart.

He was now thinking about jin's words that night, he took his final decision, he wants to escape this hell, become stronger, and have jungkook under his feet to do whatever he wants to him.

He knew that his hyung will be there for him, he'll help him, so he was just waiting for him to come back to tell him about his decision, this time he'll be the master not the submissive.

As he was deep in thoughts, he didn t pay attention yo the person who has just entered the room, until he touched his shoulder, jimin jumped in fear guessing that it s jungkook, but instead it was jin who was looking at him in consern, he hugged his hyung tightly but without crying this time, 'strong people don t cry in front of others' he kept saying to himself blovking his tears as jin was carressing his locks.

"Did something happen when i wasn t here?"

Jimin didn t want to bother jin so he just denied, he decided to tell him later, now he has something more important to tell .

"Hyung, i took my decision."

"What do you mean? Are you..?"

"Help me to escape hyung, i ve had enough please. I want to be stronger, no i want to be the strongest." Jimin says confidently.
Jin just smiled at him nodding.

"No worries, but we have to go out first and then we'll discuss about this. Okay?"

"Kay, but we're noy going to my dad, you know."

"Of course no, i'm dropping you in someone s home."

"Who ?"

"The man who can make all your wishes become reality."

Jimin was still perplexed about his hyung s words but he just nodded.

"Let's go then" Jin says pulling jimin s wrist.

When they got out, jimin can t believe how much he missed his freedom, he felt like he s in another world, he can see new faces, he can breath fresh air and he's not threatened by jungkook .

"Hyung where are we going now?"

"Jungkook will try to find you for sure, so we re going to a very far place, and you ll learn everything there. You trust me right?"
Jimin just nodded, they were still walling, they re now far away from jungkook until they reached a luxurious car.

"Hyung! Is that yours?" Jimin asked amazed by the beautiful car in front of him.

"Of course" Jin says and then unlocks it.

"Get in." Jimin did what he was told and jin followed him to start their far away travel.

Jimin fell asleep , but all he can see are nightmare of his grandparents telling him to save them, he tried but he was stuck in his place, he couldn t help them, he was strenghtless.

Jin was really worried about jimin , seeing him getting sweaty, mumbling name when he s asleep, made him stop the car midway and try to wake jimin up.

Jimin jolted up after few tries of jin to wake him, he was a cry mess, so he just hugged his hyung still sobbing in his warm hold.

"T-they re dead, hyung! They re dead! " Jimin says with a cracked voice , his words made jin frown.

"Who s dead?" Jin asked

"O-our grandparents. He killed them, he made me kill them." Jimin says but not clearly for jin to understand.

"Okay calm down first, and then tell me what happened." Jin just continued hugging him.

When jimin was able to speak normaly, he told jin what happened, jin was shoked, he didn t know jungkook will go that far, but he has faith in jimin, he knew that the little one is able to turn the tables and succed.

After their conversation, they continued their travel, as jin was trying to light up the mood and sheer jimin up, he was telling him his dad jokes, and they seem to work out, as Jimin was laughing hard at them, he was amazed by the power of jimin, even though he suffered a lot he was able to laugh foundly, probably that s why he love him.

They finally arrived, jimin was scared by the sight of the huge basement in front of him.

"Hyung! This is huge" (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"This place will be your home for a few years, you ll receive a special treatment here, you ll learn evertthing you need to be powerful. Just trust in hyung."

"You re not coming with me?" Jimin says as he saw that his hyung wasn t following him.

"No! It s not cool! Just go inside and search for kai, and tell him that you re my brother. Take this, you ll need it to go inside." Jin says giving his the access card.

"Hyung! Don t tell me you re not coming!"

"I ll come back, but not anytime soon, i have a lot of things to deal with."


"No buts, you re going in, just have faith in yourself, you ll be the best, i promise you."

"I love you hyung!" Jimin says hugging him again, and jin s heart clenches as he knew what type of love jimin was talking about.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY HE S NOT IN HIS ROOM! WHY AM I PAYING FOR YOU FUCKERS! " Jungkook yelled at the girl in front of him.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO FIND HIM! IF HE S NOT IN FRONT OF MY EYES IN 24 HOURS, YOU RE DEAD, UNDERSTOOD?!" Jungkook was furious, he was clenching his fists before hitting the wall that was beside him.

"I swear park jimin, you re going to pay for this."
Aand here s another chapter for my dear readers 💜
This chapter s not edited, sowwyy.

" _______________Aand here s another chapter for my dear readers 💜This chapter s not edited, sowwyy

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And here s my reaction to the teaser , i m shook.
And jungkook s cough at the end 💓

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