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Jimin has decided that he'll just run away after visiting his mother for the last time ,and passing another day with his hyungs so he will feel less guilty after what he'll do.

So after that night, he has woken up early with a bad mood, he knew that it was from his pregnancy so he tried to not ruin his day and just ignore it, he has planed that this night, he'll just fly away, and he had everything prepared.

He knew that jin's in the kitchen so he made his way there to try and help him out and pass some time with him, maybe talking or just enjoying each other presence.

He then went to tae and played with him a little knowing the childish nature of the other , even though the taller was a little surprised as jimin didn't have time for him before because of his work, but he was really excited by the other joining him.

After that, jimin had a talk with namjoon as the older gave him some good life advice , they then went to namjoon's lab, it was the first time jimin went there, so namjoon took the responsibility to introduce everything to the smaller, and jimin won't lie if he said he was mesmerized by the other's talent.

And so kai and baek were the ones left , but they were out for a date and jimin was sure they won't be here for the night.

Jimin felt emptier as the night approaches, he'll be soon alone, him and his child, but he don't mind it as much as his baby's safety. But this day made him know how much he loves his family and how much he'll miss them.

Jimin has his golden card in his pocket, it was the only thing jimin has planned to bring with him beside his passport, it was unlimited, you can have as much money as you want from it, that's why jimin decided to not bring any luggage with him so he won't seem suspicious , he'll buy everything from the he'll go to.

Finally, it's night, jimin's heart was clenching as he had a bad feeling about all of this , but he has to do it as much as he hates it. So he went downstairs silently trying to not bring extra attention to him, but he knew he was living with ninjas, that's why when he made his way downstairs, he saw jin waiting for him , arms crossed.

"Hey hyung!" Jimin started as everything was going his way.

"Where are tou going? You don't have any work tonight." Jin says as jimin went closer to him.

"I'm going to visit my mom." Jimin answers casually trying to hide the sorrow in his heart with his smile.

"This late? You could've visit her earlier. Wait for me, i want to go with you." Jin says turning around to go to his room to get ready , but his words made jimin panick.

"No no!" Jimin says as jin stopped what he was doing to turn around toward jimin, " What?" He asked waiting for the younger to answer him properly.

"Actually, she wants to meet me alone, and so i want to talk to her about something." Jimin says expecting from the other to understand, but that wasn't the case.

"You're hiding things from me jimin?" Jin says sounding betrayed.

"No hyung! You know i won't do that." Jimin says trying to make his hyung feel better.

"You know jimin, you can tell me everything, i love you so much and i'm ready to risk my life for you, so please don't hide anything from me, okay?" Jin says as jimin's eyes started watering, but he stopped his tears and hugged his hyung instead of crying.

"I know hyung, i love you too." Jimin says as he took the paper out of his pocket and put it inside jin's pocket, jimin had written a letter for everyone so he made sure they'll read it, but after he's far away from them.

Jimin then broke the hug and didn't add any other word to make his way to the front door feeling hopeless, he's really attached to his home, but because of his fault, he now have to quit it .

*he's now in the hospital*

Jimin's eyes were puffy and slightly red because he cried all the way here, but he didn't want to make his mom worried about him so he first went to the toilet and washed his face a few times to make the red go which was successful.

He then went to his mom's room, she was much better now, she can speak a little thanks to her doctor, but she still can't walk by herself. Jimin then knocked on the door before entering quietly expecting his mom to be asleep.

The room was dark but slightly illuminated by the moon's light which made jimin able to See where he's going, and he could also see his mom laying on her comfortable bed as her eyes weren't fully closed, so he assumed she was about to sleep but not yet, so he took it as a chance to just hold her hand and say everything to her.

Jimin then sat beside her looking at her beautiful face and her eyes that were now looking at him.

"J-jimin" She started , her words not entirely understandable but jimin managed to understand what she was saying, "honey you're here" She says before she slightly squeezed his hand.

"Yes mom, i'm here. I miss you" He says as he leaned in stroking her hair and her cheeks in the process.

"Mom?" He asked and she hummed in response. "I want to tell you something." She knew something was wrong with her son, it's the motherly instinct after all.

Jimin then took a deep breath before sighting loudly to start his story, his pathetic story, he started from the first day he have met jungkook, to his marriage to the way jungkook tortured him, in fact he told her everything trying to avoid the details to make his visit as short as possible.

When jimin finished, he looked up at his mom to see her crying soundlessly, her hot tears were sliding smoothly down her cheeks expressing her guilt and the state of her heart that was set on fire after hearing what her son went through, she wasn't there for him even though she's his mom.

Jimin then wiped her tears with his fingertips telling her that she don't have to get worried about him and that she has to keep it as a secret which she agreed to.


"Mr jeon, the results are ready." The doctor says as jungkook was extremely excited to know about it.

"The results are positif, which means he's your real brother." The doctor finished as jungkook smiled widely, his heart was jumping in happiness but he tried to keep it in to not ruin his serious image.

"Can i have them " Jungkook said before the doctor gave the results to him.

'Finally, i found you.'

Not edited

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