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Jimin was overwhelmed by all the things that happened to him lately, but he never expected that jungkook's baby will be growing inside of his tummy.

He told his mom everything about his plan and she encouraged him to do so, because her child has been tortured enough, it's time for him to be happy, but little did they know, jimin's fate just don't want him to be happy.

Jimin was never good at goodbyes, and here he is going back to his car his tears not wanting to stop sliding down his soft cheeks as the few people who passed by looked at him with sympathy and pity.

Jimin was searching for his car, his vision still blurry, but what he found made his eyes go wide, his car was in front of him with broken windows and no wheels, but suddenly, he remembered something that made him feel more and more anxious, his gold card was still in his car.

So he hurried toward his car, carefully sliding his hands inside the broken window to open it from the inside as it was broken from the outside, he then opened the door widely but slowly thinking that it'll be dislocated if he opened it hard.

He then went inside and opened the place he remembered he put the card in lastly, and he wasn't even surprised when he found out it was gone. What should he do? What is the solution? He can't go back and he can't travel witbout money, he wasn't afraid about himself, but more about his baby, so he decided he'll just go on , he's now poor , homeless and pregnant.


"Where is he?!" Jin yelled at namjoon who was woken up by his boyfriend's voice .

"W-what what happened? Why aren't you asleep yet?" Namjoon asked half asleep as jin was at the verge of slapping him across the face.

"Jimin! " Jin says as namjoon was taken aback by the loud tone used by his boyfriend.

"He must be working or something." Namjoon says as he layed his head again on the soft pillow trying to go back to sleep, but he was quickly interrupted by jin who kicked him making him jolt up and wince in pain as he was frowning at his boyfriend who slammed the door shut as he went running downstairs.

Jin then went to the kitchen and grabbed a big spoon and a metal cooked and began slaming it as hard as he can to awake the others.

"WAKE UP YOU USELESS SHITS!" jin yelled continuing his action.

"WAKE UP OR IT'LL BE THE LAST SLEEP YOU GET" he continued when he saw a sleepy tae coming toward him " What going on?" He says before yawning.

The others then began coming down too so jin began slowing down his action before he stopped completely when he saw all of them in front of him.

"We don't k ow where's jimin." Jin started.

"I told you he must be at wor_" Namjoon tried to say but jin was quick to interrupt him.

"When he was going out he told me he's going to visit his mom." Jin says glaring at namjoon.

"Maybe he's sleeping over his friend's house." Kai suggests.

"We all know we're his only friends!" Jin says defending his point.

" We should try calling him then." Tae says eyes still closed as his voice came out like mumbles.

"I tried it, he left his phone in his room. So enough with this and let's go and search for him." Jin says already going toward the door as the others weren't really convinced, jimin can take care of himself , right?

But when jin opened the door, his eyes goes wide as he saw the devil himself in front of him.

"The hell are you doing here." He whispered still shocked.

"Move" Jungkook says before shoving the older, his eyes searching for a certain someone, and when he found him, his eyes lited up as his lips formed a very beautiful smile.

"Kai hyung!" He says hurrying toward kai who was still dumbfounded.

Jungkook then hugged kai who haven't reciprocated it looking at jungkook with a perplexed expression.

"What are you doing?" Kai says before pushing the younger away slightly.

"Hyung! You're my hyung!" Jungkook says looking like a kid who found his brother in the crowd after loosing him.

"The fuck! We have othet things to do beside dealing with you jungkook!" Jin says, but wad ignored by everyone because they were interested in what was going on."they ignored me." Jin says betrayed.

"What do you mean jungkook?" Kai asked.

Jungkook hasn't responded but he pulled oit from his pocket a piece of paper and gave ot to kai " Check it out." He says as kai opened it frowning, but the frown was soon replaced by widened eyes as he wad reading.

"So it's you." Kai says looking adorably at jungkook's cute eyes before he pulled him into bone craching hug.

"Yes, it's me."


Meanwhile, jimin was walking in the empty street, hands in his pocket before he stopped in front of a park.

It was pretty cold, so jimin wanted to at least cover up his tummy thinking that his baby might get a cold. Silly him.

So he walked up toward the big trash that was placed beside the park and searched inside of it, surely not liking the smell, he then found an old and worn out sheet that has plenty of holes in it, but jimin couldn't care less.

So he layed on one of the chairs that were in the park and covered himself trying to sleep.

"I think he's perfect for the shop." The man says to his wife.

"I think so too, he's beautiful and has good body proportions." The wife answers a devious smile on her face.

"So what are you waiting for.? Go for him." The man says before pushing his wife out of the old car.

The wife then took out a tissu she prepared before, and went silently toward the sleeping boy.

Jimin was half asleep when he felt a wet tissu on his mouth, he tried to remove the hand but the smell was so strong that it has an instant effect on him that made his arm weak , he then began feeling dizzy before he gave up to sleep.

Not edited

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