on the rooftop

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Double update because.... Your bitch just want to forget about school, okay (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

"So as i told you , my success wasdue to my sexy brain and brilliant personality, i'm so pure, a lot of people say that i'm doing some illegal things to have this fortune , but i can't help but being a handsome genius."

Namjoon says as the old man was hearing him attentively, jin was beside him too but he was more concentrating on what was happening in the party, it wasn't that much.

Namjoon and kun-Hee were still chating, "so can you tell me more about_" The old man couldn't complete what he was saying as he lied lifeless on the floor, he was shot in the head by someone, the couple were expecting that but they just played that they were shocked.

Jimin was still walking in the hotel's halls as he heard loud screams coming , he took that as a sign to escape the place, he was trying his best not to look suspicious but he panicked as he saw cops with guns in there hands ready to shoot 'shit' is all what jimin was thinking about but he kept his composure knowing that freaking out will just aggravate things, 'how did they get here that fast?' .

Jimin just continued walking, giving the diamond's container all his attention but not making it obvious , he was sweating all over his body, but before he could pass them one policeman stoped him brutally.

"Why are you here? Why aren't you in the party?"

"I had a really bad headache this morning, so i couldn't go, but now i can go and join my friends."

The policeman nearly didn't payed jimin any attention, but the other did.

"And why are you bringing this huge box to the party?"

"Ow this?" Jimin began panicking "T-this is my present for our special guest "

"Mind if we descover this present before him?"

Jimin then thought that they wouldn't know even if he make them see it so he quickly opened the box and they were mesmerized by it's beauty .

"Okay you can go now."

"I guess we should go now hobi, we can't let him wait so much for us " Jungkook says as he was smirking at the terrified figures in front of him, they never saw someone dead like that before, and that make jungkook laugh.

"Of course, but where do you think he'll go?"
"He told taehyung to meet him in the rooftop, but guess what taehyung will never go there."

"And why is that?"

"Because we'll do before him."

"So... Will we kidnap him again."

"Nah, i want to play with him a bit, he seems stronger, but he loves me and this is his weak point. "

Jimin walked to the rooftop knowing that they'll know the robbery that happened after a while, but they will never know what happened, he trusted taehyung and the latter never had the intention to let him down, it's only...destiny.

Jungkook and hoseok went to the rooftop from different pathways, as jungkook went by stairs and the other took the elevator knowing that it will guide him directly to the helicopters's parking there, and yep it was that huge.

When jungkook arrived up there, he saw a nervous jimin who was holding a box which he assumed it's the diamond, and he was right.

So he approached him quietly before back hugging him, and jimin as a reflex slapped jungkook across the face roughly making the taller stamble back as he wasn't seeing that coming.

But when jimin turned to see who it was, it was like his whole world stopped, jungkook was in front of him looking as handsome and as dangerous as ever, he was left shocked as jungkook was ready to return the slap, but he thought of something better making him smirk, that smirk that jimin remembered, that smirk he had on his face when he killed them,his family, his dear and only family, jimin was boiling at his thoughts, maybe he missed jungkook so bad, but his rage got the best of him.

So he grabbed jungkook by his collar making the other chuckle underestimating the smaller's strength, but jimin showed it to him throwing punches on his face really fast for the taller to realise it, jungkook was shook, only teo years and he's now that strong, well that's impressive.

But jungkook had another plan as jimin was still punching him all over his body to throw him on the floor, the smaller got on top of jungkook strangling him mercilessly.

It's not that jungkook was less powerful than the other, but he just had other plans, so before jimin could punch him another time on his face that was covered in blood, jungkook grabbed the smaller's fist stopping every movement of him , before he supported his weight by his ankles to be closer to jimin's face, jimin couldn't move, he didn't know what'll come next, but based on his knowledge he knew that it wasn't something nice.

That was before jungkook grabbed him by the back of his neck to collide their lips together.


A bunny holding a bunny 😍

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A bunny holding a bunny 😍.
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