come with me

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"I'll do it, but you should let me see my child." Jimin says voice deep and cracked eyes filled with tears at what jungkook said, it just lets him know that that's what he is to jungkook, a toy, a sex toy.

"It's not you who's telling me ehat to do jimin." Jungkook says gritting his teeth.

"Can i see her now?" Jimin asked desperate as he has never seen his child before desperate to take care of her.

"Yes, but after you pleasure me." Jungkook says smirking but jimin just looked at him eyes full open as he realised how serious his situation is.

"U-use protection." Jimin says as he started to take his clothes off sobbing his heart out as he can't even use anything against jungkook even his strength.

"I don't care about protection, if you get pregnant again i'll take care of both." Jungkook says as he stred unbuckling his belt." No, don't take off your clothes, just use your mouth." Jungkook ordered looking down at the smaller who immediately put on his clothes again.

Jimin didn't utter a word he just looked at jungkook whose cock has sprang free in front of his face.

Jungkook grabbed jimin by his face as demanding him to take all of him at once, and that's what jimin did, it was the first blowjob jimin has done to jungkook.

So the smaller grabbed to base of jungkook's c*ck feeling the veins that popped on its surface.

He then opened his mouth after wetting his plump lips to put in jungkook's tip between them, he then started to swirl his tongue around it before sucking on it, it felt weird but jimin couldn't think about it as all that occupied his mind was minjung.

Jungkook was harsh enough to grab jimin's hair and pushing his head to the front so he could pleasure himself more.

"Mmm.." Jimin hummed out of pain as his throat got streched out by jungkook's co*k.

Jungkook continued abusing jimin's mouth before he came down the smaller's throat.

"Get up." Jungkook demanding as jimin was still dazed his throat feeling dry and sore even though the taller's semen was still coating it.

"Huh?" Jimin asked purely as jungkook pulled him to stand up harshly to bring him up stairs to his child.

Jimin looked at the closed door as jungkook started to open it, it was a rapid action but it was replied in slow motion in jimin's mind, it was just like heaven's doors were opened.

Minjung was sleeping, she looks like an angel as her round face with traced cheek bones was relaxed, her big doe eyes that resembles to her dad's and her plump lips that resembles to jimin's.

"Minjung..." Jimin whispered as he couldn't believe he's looking at this angel, his angel.

Jungkook was looking at them mind blank as he couldn't even think of anything looking at his baby, but a phone call interrupted him.

"What?" Jungkook says after picking up the unknown number.

No answer was heard after that, but jungkook can hear the echo of his voice as if he was answering himself.

"I'll hang up if you don't wanna answer." Jungkook threatened as a faint laugh was heard , it was the echo of his baby's laugh as jimin was playing with her, it was so angelic that jungkook who looked at them.

Jungkook felt something in his chest, it was unknown but warm, really warm and cozy , he looked at jimin's smile, his lips streched at his perfectly lined teeth were exposed, it was beautiful,and then at his child who was looking at jimin laughing. It was the feeling of having a family.

"Don't look at them like that, they're both mine, jeon fucking kook." The voice says on the phone as jungkook felt like boiling, but what comes out was a hysterical laugh that didn't even scare jimin as he was used to it.

"The one who really laughs is the one who laughs the last." The voice says before hanging up.

Jungkook felt the urge to immediately kill this person but he doesn't know who it is, but it's easy to know, so he sent kai the number and told him to know where it is, but kai answered him that it's impossible making jungkook angrier.

So he pulled jimin again as the baby was still in his hands. "Wait! The baby! " Jimin screamed as the baby started crying scared of jimin's scream, so the latter has put it down in his place as he falls asleep immediately.

"What's wrong with you!" Jimin whispered_screamed at jungkook as ghe taller pulled him out of the room.

"Jimin, you're mine." Jungkook whispered dangerously close to jimin.

"Jungkook we're in the hallway..." Jimin says trying to push him but jungkook was as rigid as a stone so he didn't move an inch.

"Come with me."



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