jungkook's awakening

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         jimin was in his room as he was thinking of a smart way , anything that could make himself and jungkook safe from this guy, i mean he knew he was safe , but jungkook wasn't , he knew that a guy like this won't let jungkook go that easily . he was still thinking when his little baby , the little minjung , started to cry in an uncontrollable way , jimin was feeling that something bad is going to happen , little did he know that jeon jungkook was having the worst day of his life . 

          jungkook was laying on his back , not that he wanted to do so , but because his hands were tied behind his back , and that a bigger guy was giving him the worst treatment ever , he was punching him everywhere , as another guy was filming them . 

" oh hey ! what do you think about having a little fun before we make him pass out ."

" hey , you'll get grounded if you do so ."

" oh come on , the boss will be proud of us ." 

ps: come on , do you expect me to write smut , nope , not when jungkook is like this , i pity him , but he'll suffer in a very different way , don t worry . insert evil laugh.

so the two guys did what they want with jungkook , they made him give a blowjob to each one of them as they film him.

jungkook felt as if his heart will go out of his chest , he knew that this is going to end soon , but this was so overwhelming , he felt what he was doing to jimin , he knew that nobody deserves this , but he has to do so to jimin, he couldn't stop himself . he had to make his revenge .

now maybe you wonder , where's kai ? well , he's in the same state as jungkook , except he hasn't received the same treatment , as a mafia , they know that these kind of things happen , so they have plans to not end up dead in their young age , they have their allies who will save them in no time . 

jimin was still in his room trying to calm minjung down , but still , she didn't want to . jimin was frithened  as his girl was getting out of control , so he held her carefully , and went running to chriss . minjung's cries were reasonning through the hallways . 

jungkook was so out of his power , when the two chriss's guys where getting out of the room , jungkook's sensitive ears knew that someone was crying in hallway , he didn t know who but , it was obviously a little baby , jungkook then realised , it was his child .

jungkook forgot about his pain , and went running to hold the heavy door open , before the guy closed it , his face was unexplainably angry and determined , determined to save his family from this trash of a guy , the two guys were trying to close the door , but jungkook was stronger , so it was held open by jungkook , he then get out and cut open the rope that was  holding him from beating these guys using the sharp endings of the door .

he then beat until ko the two guys , and went running to the sound as he gets farther and farther , but jungkook still can hear it .  but first , as kai's room was beside him , he got the keys from the guys , and opened the door finding kai .

kai got a call ,yes , kai has a peace of metal in his ears that chriss's guys didn't take care of .

"sir , where are you ?" kai then told them some informations and ended the call . 

nicki was there in front of the tv , looking at how kai and jungkook were running toward  chriss's room , but in reality they were just looking after minjung . 

jungkook was running his heart out , as the cries were getting more hearable , he then saw jimin's back , and as if it was the first time seeing him , he hugged him from his back .

jimin was left shocked , as you can picture it , it was te best family picture ever seen , jungkook then let go of jimin after kai told him to cause they don't have much time . then kai had a second call saying that they're on the rooftop . ( i have smt with rooftops , i swear )

they then went running up the stairs , jimin didn't notice that minjung have stopped crying the second jungkook hugged him .


suspense:    jungkook : jimin come with me 

                        jimin : no , i won't , i 'll stay with chriss

heyyyyy mu babies , so ? how was it ?

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