phone call

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Jin realises what he did a second after as he saw jimin's tears slide faster on his now red cheeks, he was crying out loud now, jin didn't know what to do nor what to say, he has never did something like that to jimin, and never expected he will, he was just out of control .

But surprisingly, the slap helped jimin to release his pain, he actually helped jimin without even knowing it, jin hugged jimin again as the smaller could not focus on anything beside the stinging sensation in his heart, he just wanted it to go away , and take jungkook away with her.

"J-jimin i'm really sorry, i i didn't mean to do such a thing_" Jin started as jimin interrupted him hugging him tighter before looking at him still in the same position.
"Thank you, jin hyung." Jimin felt a sudden security, he felt like his heart was healing slightly, he felt loved, and that made him happy.

When they were kids, they always hugged like that, but for a reason that jimin don't know, he started getting less and less interactions with his brother, and so jimin concluded that he started hating him, it was really painful and hard for him.

The three other boys were still inthe car comfortable in there sleep until kai was interrupted with namjoon's hand flying to hit his face making him wake up suddenly, he didn't know what happened first until he saw namjoon sleeping next to him hands on his and tae's shest.
"*sigh* when will i meet normal people_" Kai says to himself before his view got clear again to see that jin and jimin weren't there.

He seriously freaked out, they were in an empty road and asleep, someone could easily kill them. So he decided to just go out and see what happened, so he removed namjoon's hand earing a loud snort from him as he mumbeled something under his breath.

Kai gave the sleeping man a judgemental look before unbuckling his seat belt to open the car door slowly to not make a sound and wake up the others, he then got out to see the two brothers, not so far from them, hugging, he sighed in relief as he knew something was wrong with jimin .

Kai knew that it's maybe too late to just stand there and look at them hugging, so he just went to them to get them back into the car. As he was stepping closer to them, they heard foot steps coming to them, and as kai put his right hand on jin's broad shoulder, the latter swiftly turned around without knowing that it was kai so he just kicked him on his knee making the other hiss in pain to hold his knee that nearly broke .

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Kai screamed out of pain as his voice echoed.

"It's your fault" Jin shrugged as jimin giggled from the situation, kai and jin looked at jimin mesmerized.

"You're really cute." Kai says as jin gave him a death glare, jimin was just looking at them amused as kai's compliment made him a little more confident.

"Thanks" Jimin simply answered, "let's go now, we still have things to do right?" Jimin continued.

"Yeah of course, let's go." Jin says heading first as kai mocked his voice and his walk making jimin laugh throwing his head back, kai was admiring jimin before jin's angry voice interrupted them 'you fools get here now!'

Kai just rolled his eyes at jin as jimin went smiling to the car, he felt much better now and he was glad he has the right people beside him.

Jimin went into the car but kai had a phone call so he stayed out confused as he didn't realise who was calling him at this time, curiousity got the best of him so he just passed the call saying a hello as he heard loud laughs from the other line.

"Who are you" Kai asked confused.
" 'Guys! Apparently he forgot us' 'let's remind him then ' " Two different voices says mockingly .

Kai was getting impatient and angry at the same time, getting hints for who these people are but denying it.

"Kai" A low and deep voice says and it was enough for kai to feel weak in his knees 'it's him' he says to himself as he felt himself sweating like crazy.

"I guess you remember me." The voice says as the laughing sounds were brutally shut down.

"Of course, but what do you want from me now." Kai says trying his best to keep his composure.

"Hmm.. What i want from you.. It's not that hard." The voice said amused a hint of mischief in it.

"What? " Kai says getting frustrated trying his best to keep himself on control.

"Park jimin, end him." The voice says making kai's heart stop, he can't do that to him, he'd better die or lie a finger on jimin.

"There's no way i'm doing that." Kai answered without even thinking.

"Really? You did the same to his dad though."


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