coming ~

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"Jimin, come with me." Minah said hugging the boy in front of her, she really wanted to cry for the loss of her love but she saved it for later,she now has priorities to do, and that priority was jimin.

"W-where? She'll find us! She'll kill my baby! They all want to kill my baby!" He said a horrified look in his eyes, eyebrows furrowed as he was all trembeling at the thought of how much could happen to him.

"Don't worry honey" She says with a calming voice patting on jimin's head. " I have a house that is very far from this horrifying place, there, there's only trees ,flowers, and a wooden house that enough for the three of us, me, you, and little minjae." She continues looking at jimin who started to calm down.

"M-minjae? " Jimin says a hand on his belly.

"Yes,won't you name it minjae for me?"

Jimin started to cry hard and nodded eagerly not believing how he'll get out of this hell,little did he know.

"But, how?" Jimin says after calming down. He saw minah smirking.

"I know how just follow my rules and you'll be just fine." Minah said as jimin nodded paying close attention to what she's saying.


"See, told you " Minah said as jimin hugged her as they were in the train going to minah's house.

"Aunty, you're the best! Thank you, thank you so much." Jimin says feeling that he owe minah a lot.

"I know, but seriously you looked hot in those nurse's clothes, they suits you." Minah said trying to tease jimin a little bit.

Jimin blushed at her compliment and didn't even took it as a tease as he put his head on her shoulders that reminded him of jin's, he misses him so much but what could he do, and drifted to sleep.

Flash baack~

"So, here's what you should wear." Minah says as she handed jimin some nurse's clothes.

"Okay, but are you sure this will go on her?" Jimin asks still not convinced by the plan.

"Jimin, just do it!" She says gesturing the meme, even though she's pretty old but she has a lot going on her phone.

So basically, the plan was that jimin has to put on those clothes so he'll look like the nurse who's keeping an eye on naeun's disabled husband, and then he can go out pretending to need a kind of medicine, and then go with his hero, minah.


"This . Is. Stunning." Jimin says looking around the house. " How can you afford such a big and luxurious house?!" Jimin continued as he looked at minah who came out of her room with a very nice looking clothes that made jimin's mouth fall agape.

"H-how?" Jimin asked still stunned, " You'll know later on. In your opinion, how can i go to the same high school suzie was in?" She sassed but then she remembered her. And jimin too. But they both did as if nothing went on.

Months went by ~

"Chim!! " Minah called as she has just came from grocerie shopping to feed the two babies. Jimin came running towards her as he was eager for some vanilla ice cream.

"Oh my! Thank you sooo much aunty!" Jimin says kissing her cheek and looking for his ice cream until he finds it and began eating it.

Jimin has suffered from a lot of hormonal changes but his pregnancy was going pretty well and he's now waiting for a very healthy child.

Jimin's face was all covered up with ice cream looking adorable as the other baby kicks him to make jimin wince in pain, but the pain was bitter sweet to jimin.

"Aunty! " Jimin called for minah who went up to her room but didn't come down for a good thirty minutes and it made jimin worry.

"Aunty are you okay?" Jimin called, but still no answer. Little did he know what happened.

So he went up to her room to check on her.she 's now so precious to him, she saved him snd his baby from that witch called naeun and treated him like a princess, she beared his hormonal changes and was always there for him when he needed her, but...

What he saw when he opened the door was horrifying...


What do you think happened?

And if you're so curious to know who the fuck is writing this then tadaaaaa...

And if you're so curious to know who the fuck is writing this then tadaaaaa

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And remember, i love y'all 😍😍😍😍😍

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