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It has been a week now since jimin has been abused by the five guys, he hasn t stop crying since then, 'cause what pained him more is the fact that jungkook didn't help him, he misses him, he missed the cute caring jungkook, even if it was all lies.
Jimin was in the same dark room all this time, jungkook used his phobia against him to torture him more.

The seventh day, jungkook came to jimin s room, it has that depressive aura and bad smell, and it's normal 'cause jimin didn t have a shower since that day, he was sleeping on the cold floor, eating the poor amouth of food he was served to still be alive.

Jimin was laying down, his eyes were puffy, his hair s messy, and he lost some weight. He looked miserable. A creek interupted his depressive thought, jimin was terrified, he thought that someone s going to abuse him another time, so he sticked his back to the nearest wall hugging himself looking terrified at the door that was being opened slowly to reveal jungkook, jimin don t know why he still love jungkook, even though he has been such a jerk to him, he was still capable of making jimin s heart flutter, jimin felt helpless at this point.

Jungkook then approached jimin to bend down and look directly at his eyes, jimin lowered his eyes, but jungkook didn t let him do so by squeezing his cheeks with one hand roughly.

"You know you smell like trash right?" Jungkook says looking at the teary eyes of the smaller.

Jimin couldn t control himself at this point , he felt like he s going crazy, so he began to cry in a hysterical way he began punching jungkook randomly on his torso but the punches were too weak to make jungkook flinch, jimin began pulling his hair roughly still crying loudly.

Jungkook began feeling worried at this point, he don t want to make jimin mentaly-ill, i mean, not yet. So he did the first thing he thought of to calm him down, he hugged him close caressing jimin s hair whispering sweet words to him, and this seem to work out, 'cause jimin stopped hiting himself to hug jungkook strongly but still crying, he missed his warmth, his sweet voice, his touch.

"Let's go to our room okay?" Jungkook says after pulling away from jimin, jimin nodded slowly.

"Can i shower there? " Jimin says looking innocently at the taller.

"Of course, that's what you re supposed to do after all." Jungkook says smirking at his little "husband".

Jimin smiled widely letting his husband carry him bridal style to " there" room.
Jimin entered the bathroom while jungkook excused himself out.jimin found it suspicious, but he didn t want to trust his conscience.

Jimin finished his relaxing shower before wearing his comfy clothes, but, before he could open the door, he heard what he never expected to happen.
Updaaaate!! I m sorryyyy, i trust in you to be strong for jimin, i know i've been rough on him in this story, but i kinda like it to be like this 😏😏.

______________Updaaaate!! I m sorryyyy, i trust in you to be strong for jimin, i know i've been rough on him in this story, but i kinda like it to be like this 😏😏

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This is cute

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This is cute. Bye.

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