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Guess who's back with another shitty chapter~?


  Kai knew what the other was talking about, he knew that dark page of his life will never get erased, he never wanted to do all of this, but, humans are meant to do what they don't want to do, and we can't change facts.

   Kai had his pure and innocent childhood, he was a lonely child, his parents were treating him nicely, he loved his family so much. So kai was 10 when his parents decided to bring another life to their family, it was his lovely brother, jungkook.

   The first time he laid his eyes on his baby brother, he felt like he could do anything to protect him, he felt responsible for him. Kai and jungkook grew up being super close to each other, they were inseparable.

    The little family was having the best life ever, they were all happy, until that day.
The day where kai and jungkook's father began to get on his nerves so easily, he wouldn't get back home until a very late time, and when his wife ask him about what happened and why he's late, he would just yell at her while kai and jungkook were hearing them hugging each other from their shared room.

    They didn't know what happened to the father, he had transformed into a stranger, they don't get to see each other even if they live under the same roof. Kai's mom was getting depressed every time she sees how her family became, she didn't want things to go that way, she did a lot of efforts to maitain her family and raise her childs, but, what to do.

     Jungkook was a very calm child, he would only open up to his brother and his friend hoseok. He didn't have that much friends but he was okay with it, he have his brother, so nothing else matters.

He was always admiring his brother, he wanted to be like him when he grow up, he want to be a strong and companionate man like him. Sure jungkook was aware of his father's changes but he wasn't that old to even understand what was happening, he was still living in his pink protective bubble until....

Kai's POV (Flashback):

    That day ,i had a really big fight with my parents, i was really pissed , they said they will sell jungkook to a rich man to have some money, and i just couldn't believe such parents does exist, they wanted to sacrifice jungkook just to have an amount of money every month .

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT I WON'T LET YOU." i yelled out of my mind after i heard my parents decision.

"Look, we don't have a single dollar right now, we're totally poor, we don't have any other solution. The man will treat jungkook well, and will pay us_" Mom tried to say but i interrupted her.

"BULLSHIT!" i yelled hitting the table." JUNGKOOK'S STILL A KID! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO HIM! HE DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW THAT WORKS! YOU CAN'T USE HIM LIKE THAT!" i said as my tears can't stay in my eyes any longer, i felt betrayed by my own parents, i thought my parents would kill themselves to let us have a good life, but i was wrong.

"ENOUGH!" my dad yelled looking enraged." WE TALKED WITH THE MAN! AND HE'LL BE HERE IN THE AFTERNOON! END OF THE DISCUSSION!" He said as i felt like i was going o faint, my throat was sore from yelling and my palms were white.

I couldn't find anything to say so i just walked out of the house to slam the door shut behind me.'my poor baby, he's still so young for all of this , i wish something happenes to stop this.

I was lost in my thoughts leaning on the grass , i didn't even know where i am, i just walked here. I looked at the time ,'crap' and mumbeled under my breath,'are they really gonna do it' i said to myself as i kept running trying to find my way back home, 'i have to stop this' i can see my home from here so i hurried until i arrieved to the lifeless house.

When i first stepped in i knew something was wrong, it was calmer than usual. So i went to the kitchen with careful steps, no one was there so i continued searching until i arrived to my parents's bedroom, i opened the door carefully before looking at the horrifying scene in front of me, that memory that will haunt me for years, my parents are dead, they were killed, their bodies are soaked with blood, lifeless expressions on their faces.

I didn't have time to react as i felt a stinging sensation on my head, someone hit me, i lost my balance and i fell unconscious on the cold and hard floor with a sore heart still wondering about jungkook and his dead parents.

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😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏Reasons why kookmin don't need fake subs

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Reasons why kookmin don't need fake subs.

Jikook don't give a sh*t anymore, but you don't see me complaining 😏 you know.

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