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jimin cried and cried , the only person he loved all his life is now dead , even though this person didn't have mercy on him , but jungkook had a special place , a very special place , in jimin's heart , yes , he raped him , yes he made him live the hell like nobody did before , but ... It was so much pain for him to never see the father of his daughter again .

what should he do now ? has the story ended ? is this their not so happy ending ?

jimin knew that jungkook was dead by the time he was thinking , but he can't help his sensations , something inside him just tells him that jungkook was still ,alive . 

" good morning , princess ." chriss says as he comes closer to jimin . " our daughter will be 5 years old today , are you happy about this ?" he continued .

you must be confused , when did she ever grow up , well , this is 5 years after the incident , minjung knows that jimin and chriss are her parents . Little did she know . 

" Daddy , what are you doing ?" minjung said , " I'm old now , i'm big ." she continued as she interrupted their conversation , jimin can't help but go in a big awe at his daughter , " aww , come here you cutie."chriss says before holding her tightly as if it's....his daughter . 

chriss couldn't continue what he was saying , he went on coughing his life out of his body , he has a difficulty in  breathing . 

" daddy , what's wrong ? " minjung was pale as she was speaking she was scared , jimin too . 

" chriss , what's wrong ? " jimin says too , jimin got closer to chriss as the years go by , it was hard for jimin , but for the sake of his daughter , he got used to him .

Little did they know , chriss was really ill , he has cancer , and that he has just little time to live . shocking right ? 

" okay now , minjung , do you want a big or a small party ? " chriss fought his pain and tried saying which bhe succeed in . 

" i want a big party ! " minjung said , " of course honey , you're the queen today " 

" i'm the queen everyday dadda." minjung said , jimin and chriss went laughing to the cutest girl ever . 

they sounded like the happiest family ever , but ... What will happen today will be devastating to this family . 

the party started , jimin tried being happy for his daughter , and forget about jungkook , little did he know . 

minjung was enjoying herself until she heard a whisper , she went to the guy who whispered to her , she knew she can't talk to strangers , but she didn't know why she thought it's an exception . 

" minjung , i miss you . " the guy wearing the black suit , and hinding his face said . 

" who are you , dadda said i can't talk to strangers ." minjung said sounding confident but feeling a weird but good vibe from the guy in front of her . 

" minjung , come with me ." jungkook says , yes he's not dead , he's still alive and he knows everything about jimin , after chriss discovered his disease , because chriss didn't want to leave minjung and jimin sad after him , so he went to jungkook to the hospital and tald him the whole plan . Yes , chriss is such a sweetheart . 

" okay . " minjung said feeling the safety around him , her real father . 

jimin was searching for chriss and his daughter , little did he know , chriss was in the hospital , yes today is the day he'll die , so he prefered dying alone then making his beloved ones sad ,and minjung was with her father 

jimin then started to worry , he went to the toilet to wash his face , just to calm down , but when he highered his head , he couldn't believe his eyes , he saw jungkook . 

he didn't questioned when or why or how , all he did was hug jungkook , as if his life depends on it , minjung was left speachless , but she felt at home for the first time , so she hugged jungkook's leg too , it was the family they were all looking for . 

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