Birthday (part 1)

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Atr's POV:

'Today' s my birthday.'

' I can t wait till my dad bring me a present and hug me , or till my mom tell me all the sweet things tickling me and telling me not to eat too much cake.'

Said jimin to himself sarcasticaly, Today i will be 21 years old,no one cares actually.

It will be an ordinary day , just like every year, jimin thought as he felt his eyes getting teary but he quickly shrugged it away.

"It s okay! I still have grandma! I haven' t seen her for ages. I really miss her. Gess i m visiting her today, since there s no school."

On the phone~

Jimin: hi grandma~

Grandma: my baby, my jiminie, how's my honey doin'? Hm~"

Jimin:i m doin fine grandma. I just miss you so much.

Grandma:oww~so come over ,your grandpa s here too. And i was preparing your favourite cake and cookies. Grandma misses you too. Can you guess why i'm so happy today?

Jimin had a big cute smile on his face knowing that his grandma does really think and care about him.

Jimin:grandma!! YOU REMEMBERED! You know_ you re the best!

Grandma:yeah, i know, i know. So come here quickly so we can celebrate your birthday. I know you re alone there. she said affectionnatly knowing jimin s state, but still, he was her favourite.

Jimin:okay grandma. I ll come soon!

Grandma suzie is a 60 years old lady, but she s full of energy. she is naturally funny and really cool and generous, she is just perfect. Jimin loves her and she loves him the most.

she was the one defending him when he came crying from school and high school, after being bullied, jimin just said it to his grandma, and she will handel it.

She ll bought him ice cream too just to make him smile. She was the kindest human being jimin had ever known .

And her husband, but not really jimin's grandpa coz the latter's dead even before jimin was born ,was the same.

Jimin was searching on the net, so he decided to bring a present to his grandma 'she s a big fan of g-dragon' so why not buying his new collection of clothes.

Grandma still have a nice body, so it will fit her' jimin thought as he picked up some clothes knowing that his grandma will love them, 'it ll be here in 1 hour!okay .grandma can wait.' He thought smiling.

One hour later~

"Finally!" Jimin said looking at the big box in front of him. "Time to go!"

"You re late! And what are those!?" The grandma says looking at the box.

"I know you ll forgive me when you ll know what i bought you~" Jimin said smiling as he puts the box aside jumping into his grandma's arms. He felt so warm,so safe and more importantly, so loved.

"You re looking skinny!! Little boy!"

"It's okay grandma, i'm on a diet." Jimin said before giggling .

She was the one who prepared jimin's food everyday, since his mom didn't have time for him, and if he don't finish his food, she'll always be grounding him, and he do finish all of it, she'll praise him . But...

That happened when she were living at the same place as jimin, but she got on a fight with her son before coming back to her old home with her new husband.

"So why are you that thin. Is it your father? I swear..." She says still suspicious about the boy's state.

"No no no no. It has nothing to do with him . Don 't worry. And grandma! Can t you see that i m fat , you re the only one who say this." Jimin says laughing at his own words.

"So? Where s grandpa? "He said looking around.

"That old crazy man is sleeping as always."grandma said making a disgusted face that made jimin chuckle.

" Are you guys on a fight as always?"jimin asked as his grandpa spoke out of the blue.

"If i m crazy, than it s becouse of you!" The grandpa says eyes still sleepy but he still got up when he heard his beloved jimin's voice.

"Grandpa!" Jimin shouted like a child while giving his grandpa a tight hug as the older patted his hair with so much affection."i really miss you grandpa." .

Jimin's POV:

"Me too big boy."grandpa said looking at me proudly" You have grown up as a handsome man".

"Unlike you." Grandma says glaring at him"and what did you mean by saying that " Grandma finished as grandpa gave her a confused look.

"Did i say something? I don t remember." He said looking at her cluelessly.

"Whatever" She says rolling her eyes before looking at the box once again"let s see what you brought me."she says walking up to it before opening it, i can see how her face and eyes starts shining "OH MY GOD!" She screams making grandpa flinch as i chuckled a little.

" Jimin! i love you more than your grandpa." She says before making her way to her room to try it up. "Hey! What do you mean by that!" She didn t respond but closed the door on his face.

"She s becoming unbearable" Grandpa says looking at me. "Women!" I replied smiling at him."but where' s my present" He said trying to make an aegyo .

"you ll know what it is later. And trust me you ll like it.. a lot." I said smirking.

Grandpa was a 54 years old man, he was 6 years younger than grandma , but they love each other so much that i became jealous of them sometimes. He is really good looking , he has a toned body and a handsome face , but what grandma makes fun of a lot is the fact that he s bold, but it gave him a special charm.

Jimin consider them his real familly.
Hey beautiful people!! It s just that i m freaking out because of those beautiful people. Look at their size difference 😢 i m crying!!

 Look at their size difference 😢 i m crying!!

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