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The party day ~

"Okay guys, our plan should be applied literally, we can't do a single mistake, or else we're dead or in jail, so all of us have these to communicate with each other from afar, if someone's in trouble, he should announce it, don't act by yourself.

I'll be the one who'll take it, kai you have to hack the security system in less than half an hour, jin and namjoon, you two will participate in the party like two handsome business men talk to that old man and tell us if something goes wrong out there, tae, you'll come with me 'cause you're the most powerful. I'm relaying on you guys, let's get the money " Jimin says as he was sure his team's capable of doing it all, but there's one problem, jeon jungkook, he don't know what's his plan, he's just unpredictable, in this week, he saw him twice, the second time they made eye contact, jungkook smirked at him.

Jimin didn't know what the older was going to do, he thought that the second he'll find, it'll be his end, but he was just chilling with that familiar guy, like there's nobody beside them in the world, and so jimin didn't want to admit he was jeolous, he just can't, he can't love a psycho like him.

"The party will start in 2 hours, let's make it quick, and go back home safe. We should prepare ourselves shouldn't we? " Jimin started, "jin hyung, i want to talk to you privately please." He asked politely as the others went to their respective room.

"Hyung, you know jungkook's here. He'll be in the party as well, watch him the most, i want to know every move he does, can you do this for me?"

"Sure. Take care of yourself jimin." Jin responded making the smaller feel that at least someon's caring about him.

"Okay hyung."

"Mr Lee, are the accusations against you true? ..."

"Mr Lee Kun-Hee, what is your main reason to come here in New York?..."

"Mr Lee.." The group of journalists kept yelling to see who'll get the breaking new, but it didn't take a long time for the bodyguards to make a way for their master, he was walking chin up feeling himself, why not? He's the richest in korea, but little did he know .

A huge reception was waiting for him inside the hotel that was luxuriously decorated and completly equipped to satisfy everyone ,there were a lot of important american celebrities too .

Meanwhile, jin and his new boyfriend were taking last glances at there mirrors to fix theis look, before the went down to join the party as well.

"It gets at least 20 minutes to go to the diamond's cache" Jimin says looking at his watch," kai you can start please, and when you finish take our luggages and go down from the secret place i showed you and go to our car okay?"

"K" Kai says as he was consentrating on his work.

15 minutes has passed," Done, you can go now" .

Jimin then hurried with taehyung behind him as they were wearing a black dress that covered both their heads and their body making them look like two muslim ladies.

"Just do whatever you want for now, you're doing good sweetheart " Jungkook says to himself knowing completely what jimin's planing, he just want to know if the latter will succed, and then he'll do his work.

He did want to kill jimin, but something inside him told him to not do so, he didn't want to come back to the life he was living for 2 years now, jimin was the reason why he's living, but that doesn't mean he don't to hurt the smaller, he wants to punish him so bad for what he did, but why so fast, he wants to take things slowly.


"Tae, now you can go and kill him."

"What? Aren't we supposed to protect him?"

"Tae, i did so just to have the access card so we can have this." Jimin says pointing at the box in his other hand that contained their target.

"So why should i kill him, we had what we want after all."

"If you get to kill him today, all of his money, mansions, societies, will be mine." Jimin responded smirking.

"What? How?" Tae was shocked.

"He has no family, and it's not like he's my sugar daddy or smt ( note the sarcasm)." Jimin says still smirking.

"Don't tell me you did it with him."

"Ew! Of course no. Now enough with the questions just do what i told you."

Aaand here's another shitty update, i'm pretty sure it doesn't even make sence, i couldn't complete the chapter because of my headache 🤕 sorryyy. I'll make it up for you
                   Not edited as always

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