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"Guys!" Jin shouted frustrated about his friends's behavior, it's jimin he's talking about not a random someone!

"What?!" Jungkook says irritated as he was annoyed by jin's voice that was interrupting one of the happiest moments in his life.

"We don't know where jimin is! And because of your pale ass, we won't get to find him in time! What if gets kidnapped or something? What will we do then?! Guys please_" Jin says in a frustrated more like pleading tone.

"Okay okay honey, we'll find out don't be worried." Namjoon says trying to comfort his lover who seems like he's on the verge of tears.

When jungkook heard about what jin said about jimin, he smirked as he thinks his plan had gone pretty well, but he wasn't sure yet, so he made sure everyone was occupied and wasn't giving any attention before he made his way toward jimin's room.

He then searched everywhere to find something that will satisfy his curiosity, but after some moments of searching he finally gave up. He was about to go back downstairs when he remembered something. He haven't searched inside of the bathroom yet.

So he hurried toward its door opening it quickly before going in and making sure he locked it, he then tried thinking about all the possibilities and began searching again, but he smirked when he opened the little trash bin that was beside jimin's toilet, it was there, the pregnancy test, and it still got the two lines that means jimin's pregnant.

He then pushed it inside of his pocket still smirking at his thoughts. He knew everything about jimin from the beginning, everything, even his rare condition, jimin can get pregnant. Well, jungkook thought that jimin would get pregnant sooner than that, but you don't see him complaining though. So he smiled and went back downstairs.


"WAKE UP YOU SLUT!" the woman yelled at jimin before pouring a glass of water at him that made the boy jolt up from his sleep.

"YOU DON'T EXPECT ME TO LET YOU LIVE HERE WITHOUT YOU DOING ANYTHING!" the woman yelled again at the confused jimin who was looking at her with wide eyes, he didn't even understand why she was yelling at him, she was looking at him with her devil like eyes, her make-up was actually scary because it's really over done, she was wearing a red dress but it wasn't pretty and was looking horrible in it, and to end it all she has a voice that sounds like a dragon screaming for help, she is your total stereotype of a witch.

She was putting her hands on her waist while looking at jimin directly in the eyes. Well, jimin wasn't weak he could just beat het up and escape the shit out of there, but... Where will he go if he did? He's homeless now, and he was thinking that maybe he'll have to deal with this state for some month just until his baby will finally come to life, so he decide to just obey the human-witch standing in front of him.

"Umm... Who are you?" Jimin says still confused about his current state.

"So you don't know me?" She says before flipping her dry and damaged short hair. " Well, i think you'll get to know me very well, don't worry." She was smiling but then, suddenly her expression changed, jimin felt as if her eyes are making contact with his soul as she was really close to his face. " Look, you'll be working for me, if you do it willingly, then well done. But if you don't... Trust me i'm going to make from your life a living hell."

Jimin wanted to chuckle at her sentence ' as if it wasn't already' he thought to himself.

"What kind of work?" He asks but the witch just ignored him and pulled by his arm that was able to dislocate her face and threw him in the dirty bathroom of her husband's old house. " You'll know! But first, take a bath, you smell like poo!" She says as if she smelled roses.


"No way" Jimin says as he saw the place he'll be working in.

"It's a joke right?" Jimin continues as the woman frowned at him.

"Let's not talk here." She says a devious smile on her face ' you're already trapped you stupid slut' she thought to herself smirking as jimin was following her looking like a lost puppy.


"What do you mean by he's not here!" Jin yelled for the nth time that day.

"Jin calm down, she's a lady." Namjoon tried to calm him but he failed misearably as jin was unstoppable when he's angry.

"No! Namjoon jimin was here! And she knows something she just don't want to tell us! This evil_" Jin tried to say but stopped when he saw namjoon glaring at him "jin" He says warningly.

Jin stopped yelling and it was namjoon's turn to talk " Are you sure he hasn't said anything before he left." She just shook her head slightly as namjoon sighted in defeat.

"Maybe he has returned home." Kai suggested as namjoon nodded, " Kai you go and check if he's home, if not tell us. We're going to help our men finding him." Namjoon says but his thoughts were interrupted by the soft sobs he was hearing from his lover.

He was chocked but his eyes softened seeing the oldet's red nose and teary eyes, he couldn't see him like this and stay calm. "It's okay baby" Namjoon says before hugging jin tenderly trying to express all his love by it,"everything's going to be okay" Namjoon continued mumbeling soft things to his boyfriend as the others thoughts were filled with jimin, he knows what jimin went through, and this just makes his heart break more.

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