Save me

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"KAI?! Hyung are you crazy?! And what do you mean by he accepted this? Hyung i'm sorry but i can't" Jimin was really out of his sences right now, he never expected these words to come from jin's mouth, it was no way in hell he'll accept that.

But jin wasn't going to give up that easily, he already talked to Kai so there's no way he'll go back right now.

"Jimin, i already talked to him about this, so don't be stubborn, i did a lot of things for your sake can't you do this one thing for hyung?" Jin says trying to trigger jimin's sensitivity, he knew that jimin has a weak point for him, so he'll use it right now.

Jimin seems to soften up a bit but he's still not convinced by what jin's saying, he knew that something's out of it's plate,' why would kai accept this offer? There's definitely something and i'll know it ' jimin says to himself still looking into jin's pleading eyes.

"Okay hyung i'll do it" Jimin says folding his arms looking like he's thinking hard.

"Really?! You'll do it?" Jin says approaching the smaller to hug him tightly not even giving him a chance to nod or say something, he was just so optimistic about their relation ship, he was really happy for jimin.

Meanwhile, Kai was trembeling in his room, his heart pounding, he didn't know what he should do to protect jimin and his lover, he didn't want any of them dead, but, if you made him choose between baekhun or jimin, he'll definitely choose his lover.

And this is exactly what he did, when jin came and talked ti him about his relationship with jimin, he felt like the universe wants jimin dead, and he can't do anything but submitting, so he already settled up a plan knowing perfectly well that he'll regret it later on, but now he only wanted Baekhyun's safety at any price , even if it depends on sacrificing jimin.

He was still deep in thought when he heard his phone signaling a coming message , and that made him jump from his place, heart full of tears worries and anxiety, but he knew that there's no escape from this.

So he grabbed his phone with trembling hands, his breath getting even heavier as he opened the message, it was a video, and it took him a lot of Braveness to open it, because he knows that it's about his long time lover.

The video started, and what he saw made his eyes widden before he gritted hid teeth, it was baekhyun's bruised body on the cold floor, his face was covered in blood and he has... Hickeys?
Kai knew that they took advantage of him, and that just made him loose his mind even more.

"Don't worry." A voice suddenly was heard, the video still playing.
"He's not dead yet, but he'll surely be if you don't do what we told you to, you should give us jimin's dead body by next week, or do you want his body instead." The voice said laughing at the end as kai's heart went numb imagining his baby's dead body being send to him, he'll surely loose his mind then.

But he won't let that happen. So after the video ended he just dropped his phone beside him feeling powerless as he let his tears fall down finally, 'sorry jimin' he thought as he sobs loudly ' i'm really sorry, but i have to kill you.'


The next day jimin decided to just ignore the fact that he have to date kai now, and continue his work as usual, but will the world even let that happen, oh hell no!

As jimin left his room well dressed as he have a very important meeting today, he went to have a peaceful breakfast, he then sits and started eating as he knows others will join him when they're ready.

He was still eating crolling down his feeds, he then saw the others come one by one until all of them were there saying their good mornings to each other, talking about random topics.

But then jin suddenly silenced all of them to say a " Very important thing" , jimin knew what he'll say and he just rolled his eyes at it as he was trying to keep his nice mood for his meeting as Kai just lowered his head trying to keep his vold temper saying that 'this is for the best'.

"So, i know this will surprise you a bit but i'd like to tell you that jimin and kai are dating right now." The table went silent as they all stopped eating their mouths hanging down.

"What!?" They all said in unison making jin chuckle thinking that he guaranteed jimin's happiness, little did he know.

"As you heard." Jin said looking at their reactions, they were looking at jimin and then at kai, at jimin and kai, they were never expecting that to happen , they then decided to congratulate them one by one a big smile on their faces as jimin and kai responded with a the most fake ones as each one of them were thinking about the one they love making their heart aches.

"So maybe you two can go on a date tonight right?" Jin says as jimin shrugges it thinking that he'll talk it out with kai to make things straight, and kai nodded.

'So it'll be for tonight' kai thinks feeling his tears building up again, but he stoped them, jimin then stood up thinking that it's time for him to go to his meeting.

Skip to the night ~

"Kai? You know we need to talk right?" Jimin says as the two were heading to the date place kai specially choosed for jimin in kai's car.

"I know, let's talk about it when we arrive there." Kai says and jimin muttered a low okay as they continued their way silently, jimin got a little bit suspicious about where they were heading but he kinda trust kai with it.

Then kai's car "suddenly" Broke down in a very empty place, he then went out after telling jimin that everything will be okay to "try" and fix it, when he checked it out, the car wad fixable but he made a disappointed face and told jimin that they have to call for help knowing perfectly that signal there's weak.

Jimin tried and tried with no results, so they decided to keep walking until they found help.

Jimin was walking in front of him, so kai pulled out his gun pointing it at the walking jimin.

"Jimin?" Kai says ready to shoot at him.
"Huh?" Jimin says before he turned to look at kai, but what he saw made jimin's heart skip a beat.

Jimin couldn't utter a word as he was paralized in place.

"I'm sorry" Kai's voice cracked at the end, and as jimin heard it he instinctively closed his eyes.

Jimin heard the loud sound of a shoot but surprisingly it didn't hit him, and that made him open his eyes a bit to see a person holding kai's arm to the opposite direction of jimin's. That person saved jimin from death.

Heyy again, thank you guys soooooo freaking much about the 19K reads, i proud of you *with v's deep voice😏*

Heyy again, thank you guys soooooo freaking much about the 19K reads, i proud of you *with v's deep voice😏*

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