mine or yours?

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" WHAT THE FUCK JEON JUNGKOOK! " kai yelled making his throat go dry as he coughs his life out after seeing jungkook holding jimin bridal style as one of his bodyguards held a little baby.

"Don't what the fuck me! What? I'm the father after all." Jungkook responded as his brother went nuts about the fact that his little brother doesn't know him when he's lying, it's a big responsibility to just go and bring a baby home.

"Jungkook, you know that i know that you're lying right? You little piece of shit building up a family , abandoning it, then bringing it back home, let the poor guy live his life, you got your revenge after all right?" Kai says as he stands tall in ftont of jungkook who doesn't look like he's helding a human body.

" My revenge will be completed when it'll be time to kill him. But before, i'll have fun a little bit." Jungkook said smirking as his brother looked at him shocked.

Suddenly blood started driping from jimin's pants as he was bleeding heavily.

"Jeon? Is that blood? Wait, did he just give birth?" Kai asked shocked even more.

"Yes , and i didn't even plan for it." Jungkook answered coldly.

"And you're bringing him home as if a body didn't go out from between his legs " Kai said still on his previous state.

"Yes." Jungkook answered as he was done with his brother's questions, so he just bumped into him to go up to his room with jimin in his hands looking paler than a vampire.

"Well at leadt call the doctor and tell him to hurry! " Kai yelled as jungkook was going up the fancy stairs.

"Of course! I don't want to lose him, not yet." He says as he entered his room making kai shake his head in disbelief.

Jungkook than went to his bed and threw jimin on it making him bounce on it, luckily the bed was soft so it didn't hurt jimin.

Jimin started to open his eyes as he sees a black shadow in front of him, then his vision got more blurry as his head started to hurt, but he heard the voice.

"You up princess?" Jungkook says chuckling at jimin's state.

"J-jungkook, where's the baby?" Jimin asked as the first thing that came into his head was his baby after jungkook's name of course.

" You can say that the baby is a she." Jungkook says smiling to jimin.

" It's a girl! " Jimin exclaimed.

"No, it's a blessing." Jungkook responded.
"But luckily not yours, she's mine."

Jimin's smile dropped as jungkook's doe eyes turned into evil ones.

"W-what do you mean by yours and not mine." Jimin asked as jungkook tsked leaning into his chair pushing his hair back looking hella hot but hella evil too.

" It means that it's no longer your baby girl. It's my baby not yours." Jungkook says feeling satisfied but not really .

"H-huh" Jimin muttered as his tongue went numb from the excess of emotions he suddenly had.

"Yes, even law proves it. See?" Jungkook says as he handed a paper to jimin but he just grabbed it without reading it knowing that jungkook can do it for sure.

"Jeon jungkook, i swear if you touch my child, i'll snap your bitch face open, i swear i'll do it!" Jimin says his motherly instinct kicking in as he forget about everything, his love, his pain, only for his girl.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't get it park jimin. Do you? I don't want to hurt her, i'll never, i'll protect heher over my dead body, she's a member of my family now, i already lost it once and i don't want to do it twice. But you jimin will always be like this to me, it's even so obvious that you still love me." Jungkook says confident and full of himself.

"Huh? Me.. In love with you?" Jimin says before laughing darkly at what jungkook said, " And what if i don't care about your fucking law, i'll have my girl and fuck off your life, you know, i don't love you anymore." Jimin answers back as jungkook smirked even more at jimin's reaction and at his thoughts.

"You sure?" Jungkook says as he gets closer to jimin's face, but this trick won't go on jimin twice, so he just kept composed and gets closer to jungkook too giving him that scary look.

But jungkook didn't give in to just that so he grabbed jimin from the back of his head and touched lips with him once for a sec to seperate himself after letting jimin shocked at his action, it was the first peck jungkook gave jimin, 'cause he always just kissed him roughly.

Jungkook took jimin's confession of not lovin him as a challenge. So he started patting on jimin's head still mouth to mouth.

"You know you look beautiful when you blush right?" Jungkook whispered as jimin swallowed his whispers.

"I know more that you're lying right now." Jimin says and thought ' but i really want to believe this lie, so i'll just let it be , maybe i won't get thins opportunity ever again.'

Jungkook then kissed him out of the blue making jimin's eyes go wide, but this time it wasn't that bad rough kiss, it was just jungkook sucking on jimin's lips seperatly.

Jimin didn't give in the first time, he continued to push jungkook but what could he do other than just kiss back , so he just did letting jungkook's tongue enter his mouth playing with his own tongue and sucking on it, jungkook then bite lightly on jimin's upper lip making his moan slowly.

Jungkook then seperated their lips and looked at jimin's sparkeling eyes who forgot the purpose of all of this.

Jungkook then chuckeled feeling powerful as all jimin did was whimpering needy for another touch, "you're helpless " Jungkook says in a playful tone, you can say that it's evil but in disguise.

A cry then was heard through the hallway, it was a baby's cry, and jimin 's eyes light up to his girl's voice.

"Is that her?" Jimin asked knowing perfectly that it's her.

"Yes, well now that we're sure you still love me, let's see if there's a solution for your problem." Jungkook says as jimin remembered that he can lose his child at any moment.

"What can i do?" Jimin asked sincerely.

"Humm,let's see you can be my ******"


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