Another life

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Jungkook woke up feeling a head on his chest, his head was hurting like hell and his arm was feeling numb as it was being crushed all the night by the smaller's body.

Jungkook then opened his eyes slowly to let them adjust to the morning light, he then looked down but he couldn't recognize the figure due to his headache that made him groan in pain, he was aware of the fact that they were both naked but he just shrugged it off thinking that it was some random slut who seduced him last night.

So he just removed the head from his chest rather harshly to let it rest on the soft pillow, he then stood up after groaning for the nth time this morning to wear some random PJs that were thrown carelessly on the floor to go help himself with a painkiller.

Jimin opened his eyes feeling a tear falling down his left cheek to rest between his lips as he slowly sat on the bed to not hurt himself still sore from last night. He felt empty and cheap, he used jungkook's state to have sex with him, he had sex with the killer of the closest people to him. But he couldn't stop loving him, he just couldn't stop himself.

So he stood up as fast as he can remembering that tae can still be there and see him in this state, so he grabbed his clothes to wear them and run as fast and quite as he could to escape the place wishing that he could forget all about this night, but little did he know.

Jungkook was showering when he suddenly remembered everything, the memories made him smirk in amusement as he knows that his plan is a complete success.


"Park Jimin!" Jin yelled as he saw the boy sneaking into the house, jimin lifted his shoulders slightly widdening his eyes at the older's voice to finally look at him with apologetic eyes.

"Y-yes hyun_" Jimin started to get interrupted by the older.

"Don't hyung me! I was worried sick about you last night! I thought you left to bring tae back, what happened?!" Jin yelled his face turning red from the lack of oxygen.

"H-hyung, w-well " Jimin started as he was fiddling with his little fingers blushing at the thoughts of the other night. " I found out that his friend was fun, so i slept over ." Jimin continued making jin sigh from frustration.

"You could at least tell me, i thought something happened to you." Jin said looking upset. Jimin don't like to make his hyung feel bad so he came to him to wrap his arms aroung his waist.

"Sorry hyung" He said resting his shin on the other's shoulder before he whispered something that made the older's face grow red even more as he tried smacking his head , but the smaller dodged it and went upstairs laughing loudly, but his laughter died when he closed his empty dark room's door 'i'm here again'.

*3 weeks later*

"I don't want to eat this!" Jimin says as he cringed at the fish's smell .

"What do you mean by that! I cooked this meal specially for you!" Jin responded defending himself as he didn't understand why jimin don't like the smell of his favorite meal.

"Ugh, i don't know hyung. I guess i just need some rest." Jimin says as he was massaging the sides of his head .

"No jimin, you have to go and see a doctor, you're really weird these days, everything about you isn't normal for the last week." Jin says trying to impose himself on the younger, but jimin just ignored him and excused himself to go to his room making the older groan in annoyance.

"Just let him be " Namjoon says as he patted jin's shoulder to comfort him, the older looked so worried about jimin.

"He's being so stubborn these days, he's not eating well and have thrown up last night three times and he keeps saying he's fine! " Jin says as he was close to tears, he really do care about the younger and wants to help really bad but jimin didn't want to open up about what happened.

"Maybe you should talk to him alone, and maybe he'll open up " Namjoon says reassuring the older who nodded at his statement " You're right, maybe i should go and talk to him " .

Meanwhile, jimin was in the bathroom all sweaty and breathing heavily as he was about to see what he has never imagined. Jimin was aware of all the changes that happened to him either physical or mental, he tried shrugging them off but they seem to be stronger than him getting worst and worst by the days, so he called his mom's doctor who he befriended because of his constant visits .

The doctor listened to what jimin said and was hesitant at first to tell him about his conclusion, but he told him anyways that maybe, just maybe he have another life growing up in his tummy. Jimin laughed at what the doctor said taking it as a joke, but he frowned soon enough when he heard the doctor's serious tone.

Jimin knew that if the doctor was right, than the baby will be jungkook's son, which is itself a nightmare to jimin. Yes he do love jungkook, but knowing jungkook he was sure that his baby's life is in danger.

So jimin bought the pregnancy test last night and is now about to see the results, his hands were glassy as he was focussing on the lines, he was praying that the doctor wasn't right, but what he saw was the complete opposite, it shows two lines which means that he was right.

Jimin cried and cried trying to think about what to do, but he couldn't think about a thing, he couldn't believe that one night could result all of this. He have to protect his child , he have to start a new life with his child, far from the mafia world, and far from jungkook.

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