the begining of the end

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Jimin can't believe his eyes, his hyung is here, but how? And why? Don't he hate him like the others?

"What are you doing here? Where is jungkook? Don't you guys love each other?" Jin asked.

Jimin then hugged his hyung like never before, he felt the warmth he craved in his embrace.

"Hyung!" Jimin says between sobs.

Although jin was still confused he hugged jimin back stroking his hair to calm him down and it seems to work out, so after jimin regained his composure he looked at his hyung's eyes hesitating in which he should tell him or not, knowing that jungkook threatened him about it, but the storm in jimin's heart made him blurt it all out.

Jin was shocked, he was responsible too of what his love's into now, if he stoped them that night, maybe jimin could be happy now, he trusted jungkook to love jimin and protect him but he was desapointed and frustrated, he felt anger boiling inside of him, he was ready to kill jungkook and help jimin out of the hell he was living in for 3 weeks now.

"Jimin? Look at me" Jin says to the crying mess in front of him.

"I'll help you out, okay? Just, just stop crying, or im going to cry too" He says caressing the smallers wet cheeks.

"What are you going to do? Jungkook is dangerous, you know." Jimin says worriedly.
"How do you think i got in here if i didn t have my own ways? I'm not that easy either so don t be worried." Jin says trying to stand up but small hands grabbed his wrist gently.
"H-hyung, i-i don t want to leave jungkook yet." Jimin says without looking in the other's eyes afraid of his reaction.

"You what? Are you crazy or smt? He's not jungkook, he's a monster! Just let your hyung handle this."

"Hyung please! I i still love him."
Jin cannot say a thing, he was hurt, but he can't show it.

"But hyung! Can you please keep coming here? "

"Do whatever you want, just know that hyung's always there for you." Jin says with a smile before he hugges the smaller.

Jin says this but there s no way he's going to let jimin live like this, so he started building a plan to rescue him.
"Wakie wakie! " Jimin heard someone yelling in his ear making him cringe at the unfamiliar high pitched voice .

"Who are you?" Jimin says after waking up completly.

"Mr jungkook want you in his office, now." The change in the girl's voice made him smell something fishy.

The girl just pulled him by force , jimin couldn t fight back due to his lack of energy.
His heart was beating so hard 'is he going to do it now?' He says as he felt his eyes watering again.

Jimin's POV:

We re in front of his office, i don't want to be alone with him again, what is he going to do with me? Anxiety rushed over me, i couldn t control it anymore, i was sweating so much as the girl knocked on the door earing an 'come in' from him.

She just shoved me inside closing the door behind her.

"There ll be a party today in this mansion, and you'll be the one to serve my invetees, and if you make one single mistake, you'll be punished there and then. And yeah, you're not my husband in front of them, you're just a stranger. Understood?"
'As if i am your husband behind them' jimin mumbeled to himself.

"You'll get ready by 7 pm." Jugkook says not paying any attention to him.

"Okay" Jimin can t say anything else, he learned not to oppose to jungkook if he wants his body together.


At 7 pm~
Jimin heard someone opening the door enough to throw his one night job s clothes to him.

Jimin knew it's time, and he wished jungkook don t have nothing in his mind for him this night.

Jimin wore his clothes as fast as he can, and quited the room to be welcomed by the most luxurious view he had ever seen, even his dad never decored there mansion this way. He was still mesmiried when he heard someone yelling at him.

"Hey you! What do you think you are to touch what it s not yours! You re not the master s husband to just stand there having money over nothing!" The responsible of organization yelled at jimin signaling that he has to go to his work.

The party began, and all you can see are rich people who probably are the same as jungkook, they seem to enjoy their time their.

Jimin was doing his job perfectly, but what made him uncomfortable were some hungry eyes and subtle touches some guys here and there do, but he can hundle it.
Jungkook was standing with a group of people laughing and smiling cutely, jimin don t understand how could someone be that two faced.

But as he was looking at jungkook, he tripped and the glass full of wine that was once in his hand fell on an old man's shoes.
The man started yelling at jimin who was apologizing repeatedly, and all of this haven t escape jungkook s eyes , he was furious at jimin so he walked toward them fast.

Jimin saw jungkook coming so he did the first thing that came to his mind to avoid what the other was going to do, and the thing was... Kissing jungkook.

That caught jungkook off guard, jimin knew he fucked up but he didn t want to seperate his lips from jungkook s, he wasn t ready to know what s going to happen next.

"Get away from my jungkook! Aren t we supposed to get married after 2 weeks! Isn t that what you told my dad 5 minutes ago?"
A girl from the crowd yelled, jungkook was going to "marry" her but of course just for his own benefits and then he ll just leave her or kill her, it depends on the girl, and yes he did that a lot of times now.

"Well guess what bitch! You can't marry him!" Jimin blurted out of himself, he wasn t ready to loose jungkook, not yet.

" ' cause he's my fucking husband!" Jungkook then saw red, he was clear when he told jimin to shut his mouth, but he want to play it this way, he got it then.

Hey!! This update for my beautiful readers. And i'm soo sorry if this chapter wasn t what you expected, i really try so hard to write it the best way i can.

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