i think we can be together

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Jimin's POV:

I guess today will be the best day of my whole life, i m soo happy that i fight the urge of screaming here inside of jungkook's car, i m very passionate about arts so loving museums would be a normal thing for me, 'till now i ve never been in a museum, but i ve seen some on my laptob, so i think i can guess what will be in there.

Jungkook, omg! Why does he have to look so handsome all the time, he s now concentrating on the road, and i think we re going a little bit too far from what i thought.

Suddently i felt a pang in my chest, what if jungkook was only playing me? i'm so stupid, i did think about it before ,He rejected everyone who wanted to approach him but did that "thing" With me
  Maybe  I m just a sex doll for him, i thought before pouting, the realization was a little bit strong for me, but then i thought that i should enjoy my day first, and then we ll see.

Suddently, the car stopped, so i looked at jungkook with big doe eyes as if i m questionning him why did we stop here, he smiled at me before thrusting his head upward , so i turned my head looking out of the vehicule looking at the most stunning view he had ever seen.

Suddently, the car stopped, so i looked at jungkook with big doe eyes as if i m questionning him why did we stop here, he smiled at me before thrusting his head upward , so i turned my head looking out of the vehicule looking at the most stunning ...

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"Woaaah!" I said looking at the huge castle in front of me, it was amazingly beautiful that words can t explain it. I jumped happily on my seat before uncorollably hugging jungkook who gladly accepted it and wrapped his arms around my waist, "thank you jungkook. You re amazing, i don t know what to say."

"Don t say anything baby, let s just get in." He cooed caressing my hair before letting me go, i looked at him with loving eyes so he smiled at me showing his bunny teeth that i find so cute, he then went out of the car to open the door for me, so i exit it aswell.

"i love your manners, i feel like a princess"
" I m glad you do. And you are my princess." Honestly, i ve never expect jungkook to say this, so i looked at him with shoked eyes expressing my ettonement. "What? You don t like it?" He said faking his disappointement knowing that i totally loved it. "N no! Of course i am!" I said confidently .

So after our small conversation, we made our way inside of the huge castle or museum, but it was a long way to make before the museum's entrance, so i thought that i can use this time to know more about jungkook.


"Yes baby" He said with a low tone giving me goosebums all over my body.

"I was thinking that i don t know a lot about you, so do you mind telling me a bit about yourself?" I said hesitantly as we started going up the stairs and it seems like a long walk, an awkward calm engulfed us until junkook breaks it with his deep voice.

"Okay *sigh* if you want to. But i don t know what exactly i can say, so you can ask me personal questions, but i can t guarenty you that i will answer them all." He said not sparing me a glance just looking at the stairs benaith him.

" Okay, so i want to know about your familly."
Jungkook clenched his jaw at the question and this didn t escape jimin s eyes making him afraid of jungkook s reaction.

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