unexpected sex

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Okay now, this chapter contains smut, s.m.u.t , smut. So please just remember that i'm a virgin nutella potato OKAY!
enjoy 😊 , ow last thing, this chapter's not edited so if you see a funny word just ignore it. 
That's it, now don't hate me.. Okay i'm gonna stop.

"He has some broken bones but it's okay he just need to rest and have his medicines on time and he'll be just fine by a month from now" The doctor says after examining beakhyun who was now laying down on a very comfy bed in one of jimin's mansion's rooms.

They all nodded in approvement at what the doctor said to exit the room after comforting kai who was holding his lover's hand as if his life depends on it, stroking his soft hair as he whispers sweet things to him not expecting from him to answer as he haven't gained his consciousness yet.

Jimin and jin were the last to go out of the room . "Where's tae?" Jimin asked as he noticed the absence of his precious tae some time ago but he couldn't ask as there was other things to worry about.

"He said he went to his friend's." Jin responded carelessly as jimin got a big question mark above his head ' when did this kid made friends?' He asked himself.

"What friends? When did he even made them?" Jimin asked expecting jin to answer but the other was just smiling to himself like an idiot making jimin laugh a bit.

"Hyung~" Jimin started talking in a teasing tone. " Did simething happen that i don't know? Hm~" Jimin continued as he pokes jin's side teasingly making the other jump in suprise eyes widdened.

"N-nothing jimin! S-stop!" Jin says as he blushed madly at the still fresh memories, he didn't expect jimin to catch it that fast.

"Oh come on hyung ~ you know you can tell me everything, did you two done it for the first time?" Jimin says making the oldest cringe but blush madly as he couldn't deny jimin's statement.

"I-it was just a date" Jin started " B-but then he..." Jimin understood what the other meant and chuckled at it.

"Congrats hyung! It was your first time right?" Jimin asked as the older nodded shyly.

Jimin was really amused by teasing his hyung but then namjoon came out of nowhere and circled his arm around jin's small waist, jimin then excused himself to give the couple some privacy and also to respond as his phone that was ringing in his pocket.

"Hello?" Jimin picked up
"Umm hey, i'm sorry but i'm tae's friend , and.. He's kinda drunk , you were the first on his emergency list so i called you." The raspy voice responded and it sounds painfully familiar for jimin, the voice actually made jimin's heart ache but he just ignored the feeling.
"Oh, it's pretty late right now, can't you keep him until tomorrow?" Jimin responded as he could hear tae saying incomprehensible things due to his drunk self ' how could robots even get drunk? Namjoon must be a freaking genius'.

"Umm, i'm afraid i can't, this place's actually not mine it's my friend's but i used to live here, and the owner don't really like receiving guests, he's out right now but he'll be here anytime soon, so please hurry." The voice responded nervously making jimin worry about the suspicious friend tae have.

"Okay then, give me the adress please" Jimin says before hurrying and bring a pen and a piece of paper to write on.

The other told him the adress and jimin thanked him and went toward his car obviously worried about his friend, he kept on riding until he found the place, he have a bad feeling about coming there as the place was gloomy and was giving lots of negative vibes, jimin cursed himself for not bringing his gun.

He walked toward the mansion's huge door with steady steps ready for any type of attacks, he the knocked on the door , he waited a bit before he heard steps coming toward him, and it stops before the door swung open slowly revealing an old looking woman who seems like her blood was all sucked off from his body , of course jimin went to worst places than this one, but strangely , this place just gives him the worst feeling.

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