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Phone call~

Haha eager aren t we?

N-no no no i it s not like that i swear.

Wow! Chill, it s okay

Okay, sooo....

Okay i ll come to your house to pick you up after 30 minutes. Okay??

Yeah, i m waiting

With that jungkook hung up trying to control himself to not ruin all his plan, he wants to kill jimin but not before he get punished for a thing he don t even know about. He then made his way to his closet, he wanted to make jimin feel he s special to fall in his trap so he decided to change his style a little bit , he wanted to look mature.

 He then made his way to his closet, he wanted to make jimin feel he s special to fall in his trap so he decided to change his style a little bit , he wanted to look mature

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And he did it, he styled his hair curly, a little bit of make up, and he s ready. He was sure that jimin will have a gay attack when he ll see him.

But then it hits him, he don t know where to go for the date, he only reserved the restaurant but he can t go now, so based on jimin being a very calm and artistic person, he decided to go to the museum, he smirked at his thought and had a high five with his brain before going out and taking his car to the direction of jimin s home.

Meanwhile, jimin was panicking , of course, it was his first time going on a date with someone, jungkook stole two first times for jimin and he was proud that he gave them to the right person, he thinks.

He decided to put a thin line of eyeliner,slight blush and pink lip balm that  makes his lips look plumper. He looked at himself in the mirror and can t help but like himself, he looked cute.

But a loud sound interrupted his thoughts, so he looked out to see jungkook waving at him to go down, he waved back before taking a deep breath and made his way toward jungkook.

Jimin was happy that the"thing" they did the other time wasn t just a one night thing, he thought that maybe, just maybe, jungkook fell for him as well.

So as he was close to jungkook s car, he saw him going out to open the door for him, 'what a gentleman' he thought, so after giving jungkook a shy smile and a low 'hello' he tried to go inside the car , but jungkook stoped him to give him a peck on the lips that made jimin's eyes go wide and heart flutter.

It was the third first time jungkook stole, cause yeah, it was jimin s first kiss, even though it was just a peck, but it meant a lot for jimin, so the smaller felt all of his blood went to his sheeks that looks redder than ever, he felt flustrated but managed to just go inside the car.

Jungkook smirked being aware of all the smaller s action before taking his place aswell beside jimin.

Jk: Jiminie?

Jm:yeah? He said lifting his heaf to look at jungkook with big doe eyes

Jk: What do you think about going to the museum. Jimin felt like his heart was going to explode at what jungkook said.

Jimin: Yes?Yes yes! Of course, i wanted to go a long time ago but i didn t have someone to go with. Thank you jungkook! Thank you very much.

Jk: it s ok baby~ you don t have to thank me, it s my responsibility to make you happy.

Jimin blushed even more if it was possible at jungkook said, if you told him a few days ago that he ll be on a date with jungkook he would laugh at you.

Jungkook then started the car to go to their destination, but what they weren t aware of was that jin was looking at them behind the window of his room because the sound didn t only reach jimin.

"how dare he try to steal jimin from me!" He said feeling anger build up inside of him again, he tried his best to remember jungkook s features cause he knew it ll be useful.
Hoseok's POV

'Can t this bitch see that i m in love with him?!' I mumbeled to myself gulping another shot, trying my best to keep my soreness, or else i ll be sleeping on the streets.

I ve been friends with jungkook since our childhood, he was so reserved and antisocial and even more toxic to interact with , he didn t have any friends, i didn t know his pityful story back then, so, i decided to approch him and know all the mysterious things about him, but i didn t succed, even though i know some secrets about him, but not all of them, means that he don t trust me either, but instead of helping him, i started to develop a crush on him, because, seriously, who would not?

He s tall, handsome, smart, and rich. But although i keep on trying to drop hints about my feelings he would just ignore it and let me have another heartbreak , but i m used to it now, even though i feel sometimes like he s using me, i let him be, cause at least i feel like he s giving me some of his attention, and this is enough for me.

I know that, deep down, jungkook have a soft spot for me, but it s not romantic. One time, i got in trouble with a very strong guy who thought i m trying to steal his girlfriend from him, but the truth was that the bitch wanted to have sex with me and told me that she s not satisfied with her boyfriend, so the guy was going to beat me up if jungkook didn t interfer to help me, he defended me, for the first time, and then i knew that i m in love with him, but it s onesided, and i m used to it.

And that bitch is growing hotter, like wow, puberty did hit him hard to the point that he transformed to a tall and handsome muscle pig. But after high school, he quited studying to work with that man.

Even though we re not studying together anymore, we still contact each other, and that makes me soo happy.
Omg omg! We hit 200 READS! I ve never dreamt of it. So thank you soooo much beautiful people.😍😎😗😙


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