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Mr Park was sitting in his office hand on his chin looking intensly directly in front of him, he was thinking so hard on who had the courage to do this to him, and one name keeps on bringing itself in his mind, he was the only one who was strong enough to face him and make him into this state, suddently he heard a knock on his door.

"Come" He said with a low voice before he saw namjoon entering bowing respectivly at him.

"Sir, our professionals did their best but..."
"Namjoon,-" He started "i think he was the one doing it."

"Who?" Nj asked perplexed.

"Lee changmin.." He said with a tone that expressed his hate to this person.

"Oh!" The name then clicked in Nj mind, and he thinks his boss was right " So , what shall we do?" .

"I think it s time.." The boss started .

"Time to do what " He asked confused.

"Time to bring our most dangerous man"

"Do you mean... Kim taehyung" Nj asked shoked at his boss's decision.

"Yes" He said then smirked.


Are the only sounds that were heard in the vast room, jimin was being abused , again, he cried, shouted until he can t hear himself anymore, until he can t feel his body anymore.

His abuser never talked to him in his whole week in here, he feels numb, he s been released at night having the most modest dinner ever before sleeping in the cold floor.

It was midnight and he was now sleeping on the floor in the dark room, sudddntly he heard a knock, he thought he was hallucinating but it was repeated a few times so jimin was litterally creeped out.

A few moments later, he heard like someone was opening the high window, he was so scared right now so he closed his eyes tightly hoping that it ll disappear if he do so, suddently he felt strong arms wraped around him, and an not so unfamiliar sent, he knews it so well, it was jungkook's, but how did he know? And how did he manage do break in? He was really confused but felt happy and secured at the same time.

'J-jungkook?' The smaller one says in a cute voice and he looked like a lost puppy who finally found his owner.

'Yes baby, it s me' Jk says while tightening his hold on jimin making him wince in pain and that didn t go unnoticed by jungkook, and when he realised jimin was being abused, his eyes became dark to the point that he scares jimin 'I should be the one hurting him like that, how dare they take my place and do my job!!?' Jungkook thought griting his teeth holding jimin stronger.

" J-jungkook ! You re hurting me! I m still sore!"

'Oh! I m sorry, it s just that i was really angry that they touched what s mine." He stated looking at jimin darkly making him blush.

"Jungkook, i know it s not the right time to ask...but.. What are we now?"

"Oow chimchim, isn t it obvious that i like you, and it s obvious that you like me too, so we re boyfriends."

Jimin was left mesmerised at jungkook s words, he has a boyfriend now and he s no other than the jungkook.

"Do you love me baby?" Jungkook asked looking at jimin tenderly sliding his hands from jimin s shoulders to his waist

"Hm?" He hummed putting jimin s blond locks behind his ear earing a soft nod from him.

Jungkook smirked feeling proud he did it in a really short time , he then kissed jimin softly and he kissed back, it was his first kiss, jungkook just keep on steeling his first times. After that jungkook climbed back to the window after assuring jimin that he ll release him soon.

Taehyung's POV:

"here it is!" He says pulling the USB key from it s place. He then smiled before looking at the dead that wasn t that far from him.
"You would n t be dying if you just did what i told you to do, LEE CHANGMIN"

Okay okay! I know that was short, i m sorryyy don t hit me.
The GCF, it was the best i already replied it like 257853 times, it s not healthyyy🤕 i m sick now.

The GCF, it was the best i already replied it like 257853 times, it s not healthyyy🤕 i m sick now

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