come with me

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Jimin turned around looking at the person who just called him , it was the old woman , and she was holding an old picture in her hand , it was jimin's picture when he was little with his grandma ( rip suzie 😢) .

"Yes! Where did you found it!" Jimin yelled out of excitement and went running to minah to take the picture , but to his surprise she just hide it behind her back and said :" jimin..."

Jimin was looking at her questionably . "Yes?" He answered still not knowing what's wrong with the old lady .

"Can we talk a little ?" She said with her tired voice . Minah is a very kind woman and she has a very loving heart , but to jimin, it'll be even more, maybe nobody loved jimin the way she'll love him.

"Of course we can , let me just _" jimin couldn't continue when she interrupted him " no , we need to talk now . Can you follow me young boy ." She said and went walking through the hallways and jimin was following her like a lost puppy when they finally arrived to a very old room .

She opened the door and told jimin to come in . Jimin just did as he was told and then she closed the door for privacy.

"So?" Jimin says starting to get curious about what she'll tell him .

She looked at him dearly and told him . " you resemble her a lot " her eyes started to get teary and jimin saw it so he began to feel panick , why would she cry?

"Why are you crying ?" Jimin says hugging her .

"Do you know her?" She asked still not realising how fate want her story to end

"Who?" He says when minah showed him the picture pointing at one person .

"Her..? " her voice cracked and she started to cry again , and then jimin remembered his dear grandma and tears started forming in the corner of his eyes as he looked into the old woman's eyes.

"She's my grandma , why?" He asked not realising that he's already crying too , his grandma was an amazing person nobody can take her place in his heart no matter what .

" what's her name?" Minah asked trying to contain her tears that were going down her cheeks that were looking done with this world.

"Her name was suzie ." Jimin says looking at his grandma .

"S-suzie? So it's really her ? It's you? You're jimin ? You're the grandson of her right? She told me a lot about you . How is your grandma doing ? Where is she now? " minah said in a hurry touching jimin's face who's still in chock .

"D-do you know her? " jimin says afraid , suddenly all his memories slapped him across the face .
'Jimin! What have you done' suzie says in jimin's head .
'Happy birthday jimin ~' she's still saying .
Jimin started to look around him under minah's concerned stares .
'I love you jimin , lots .' Suddenly her heavenly face was the only face jimin could see.

"Grandma? Is that you ? " jimin says talking to his inexistant grandma , minah knowed the kid had serious issues and started to try to calm him down .

"Hun? What's wrong with you ? " but jimin didn't seem to hear her at all .

In jimin's mind ~

Suzie said looking all white and shiny : why have you done that? I always loved you jimin , why? You weren't worth my love jimin.

Jimin's heart died a little to what sedms to him his grandma's words " n-no! It's not me it's him ! I tried to protect you.

In reality~

"Jimin what have you done , tell me ." Minah asked the still hallucinating jimin who was vulnerable to answer any question.

So then jimin told her everything from the very begining to the end and minah seems to be shoched to what she's hearing , how could such a beautiful young man have this heartbreaking past and present too.

"Jimin ?" Minah says with a calming voice that jimin seems to be responding to and all his hallucinations sedms to fade .

"Come with me ."


Sorry that was short but hey, will jimin finally have a good life after all his suffering?

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