4. quality time huh?

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Stella's P.O.V

The guidance counselor's head peeks out the door as she looks around the room, a bit of her hair falling on the front of her face. "Stella...Lorentis?"

My name echoes through the room as I get up, the supervisor sparing me a glance as I walk towards the door. I come inside when I realize that I wasn't alone.

That's because I forgot he went before me.

I stand by the door, awkwardly, as I see Stuart and the guidance counselor sitting on brown chairs.

They really do look like therapy chairs.

"Come in Stella. Sit down," she motions to the seat next to Stuart with a happy smile.

I reluctantly sit down next to Stuart, trying not to make eye contact with him. I thought our little meet was over long ago but why am I sitting next to him again? Why was he here anyway? Wasn't he done yet?

"Alright Stella, my name is Shawna Williams. I am the guidance counselor of this school. It's your first time here isn't it?" She asks.

I nod as I bury my fists into my sweater. I really love wearing over-sized sweaters and it was a great way to cover up my fingers that were shaking for some reason. "Yes. And by any chance, are you related to Luna Williams??"

Don't ask me why I asked her that.

She raises her eyebrows in surprise, "No. Why do you ask that?"

"Um, no reason. The last name, Williams. I thought you were related. But anyway, you were saying?"

I hear Stuart chuckle next to me. I wish I could tape his mouth right now. As a matter a fact, I saw a stapler sitting on Shauna's desk. Perfect opportunity.

But my moment of glory was cut off by Shauna. "Stella, what do you need help with?"

"Didn't Man tell you yet?" I say, crossing my arms and placing one leg over the other. She raises her eyebrow slightly at my change of seating as Stuart just yawns lamely.

"Man?" Stuart asks, a confused expression on his face.

"Shut up." 

He rolls his eyes and places his hands behind his head. He had the exact same attitude and posture in the detention room too.

"Yes, she did. I want to hear it from you." Shauna says, tapping her pen on the desk as if she was counting down the time to my appointment to be over.

"Apparently, Man thinks I have inomnisa." I say, trying to pronounce the last word.

Stuart chuckles again, "It's insomnia."

"Would you shut up?"

"Insomnia. Both of you have the same problem." Shauna declares. She smiles as if it was something great.

"Yea, so what?" 

As if I care. Again, why was he here?

"And you pick a lot of fights?" Shauna says as her blue pen taps lightly on the side of her mug.

That catches me by surprise. "No I don't."

"Mrs. Man told me so. You're very aggressive."

"She's a liar. I don't fight." My lips turn into a frown as I sink into my chair.

Well...I've tried not to fight. It takes a while. Don't blame me.

"Okay then, how many times have you've been in detention?" She asks.

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