33. conversations by the creek

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Stella's P.O.V

I sit next to the creek, as I wipe the tears from my eyes with the palm of my hand. It's weird that I'm crying over how he just came and we already got into a fight. We didn't get into so many fights but everytime we did, I remember how I cried to sleep. I wasn't expecting this to happen, especially since I saw him after so long.

So, now it's happening again. We got into a fight and now I'm sitting like a loser and crying. It hurts me to see that he doesn't realize how much trouble I went through. He doesn't know how and why Luna's changed.

I think he's always liked Luna more than me.

I purse my lips as I hear footsteps behind me.

Why does he always have to follow me everywhere? I can't even be alone for 5 minutes.

I sigh as I bring my knees close to my chest, letting out a shaking sigh. "Go away Stewie."

"Um... I'm not Stewie." I hear a voice behind me as I turn around to see who it is. Let's just say I'm really surprised that I almost cried out.

"Jordan? What are you doing here?" I ask, quickly wiping my remaining tears so he wouldn't notice as he sits down next to me.

"My team quit so..." He starts to say but he looks at me as if I know the answer. Which I did.

"Really? I guess mine did too."

"Why did your team quit?" Jordan asks.

"I don't know... this challenge was stupid anyway." I say as Jordan raises his eyebrow. I can feel him staring at me and I wonder if he's seen my teary eyes yet.

I purse my lips as I focus on the creek again, the air filled with silence.

What was he doing here anyway? By the creek?

I wonder if it's another strange jock thing he has. Ever since I met him in the art club which seemed so long ago, anything with him is possible.

"So...what brings you here?" I ask the question that's swarming through my mind as he observes my face. It's also a great way to stall him to notice my shaking state.

"Um... I guess the creek makes me feel better. Is that weird?" He finally answers as his eyes look out to the blue creek.

"No, not at all. The creek is nice. It does make your stupid day feel better." I admit as I let out a little laugh as he nods.

"I wish I had a camera with me. I want to capture this moment." He sighs as he takes his index fingers and thumbs to create a rectangle in front of him. I seem him close one eye as he clicks an imaginary button.

"Do you like photography?" I ask, watching him lower his hands.

He simply meets my eyes with a smile, "Yes."

"A jock and photography." I let out a laugh as he chuckles, amused with my statement.

"What's your definition of a jock? You always seem surprised with me."

"Um...well, not to be stereotypical or anything-"

"But you are." He interrupts, raising his eyebrow.

"Jocks are seen to be tough and muscular and pretty bad at school. Mostly it's about grades and classes. If they fail a test, then they're kicked out of the team. Well mostly. I didn't think jocks had a softer side."

"A softer side?"

"Like art and photography. That's more for quiet people." I say as he bites his lip, the dimple on his left cheek visible now.

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