11. she's very different

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Stuart's P.O.V

I tell Jordan what happened in the school hallways.

"Oh, that's why you were late," he says.


"Who's this Miles guy anyway?" Jordan asks while trying to solve his rubik's cube. He leans against the locker as some girls walk past him and give him flirtatious smiles. He doesn't even bother to look at them.

"I don't know, someone in Stella's grade I guess. He's with that Luna girl and her friends."

"Oh her! That girl who claims to know you. I remember her. That prank was hilarious though, ketchup and mustard. I couldn't have done better myself." Jordan laughs. I notice a ketchup stain on his shirt so he must have been a victim as well.

"They came in when I was with Shauna. But Miles... he's strange." I say with an obvious frown on my face. Jordan grumbles and throws his Rubik's cube in his bag.

"Yup, there you go again with the deep thinking. Do you know everything about this guy?" Jordan asks.

"No, but I know he's a liar."

"Oh come on, everyone lies," Jordan says. "I've lied plenty of times to get out of trouble."

"Jordan you're different."

"How am I different? I lie like the average person does."

"No, you don't get it. He likes her."

I know that liking others changes that way that you are. For one thing, I'm sure that Stella doesn't like him back because if she did like him, she would've been completely different. Nicer, sweeter and calmer. She wouldn't have raged or attacked people, or yelled or cried loudly to make sure that everyone knew what she's doing. She's still the same Stella, the Stella that I know.

The fact that someone had the courage to go touch girls as if they're nothing but a toy to play around with still makes me want to punch the living daylights out of him. I still remember how uncomfortable she was when he was there, the way she looked at me for help.

"Who likes who?" Jordan asks, totally confused.

"Miles likes Stella." I say, and I didn't like the combination.

"Does she like him?" Jordan asks.

"No, Of course not. She pushed him and he hit his head on the floor."

"Woah! Really? But why are you angry? She did a pretty badass thing." He says as he smirks.

"It's because he lied in front of Mrs. Clarian about what happened. She didn't even bother to listen to Stella and I kept trying to do what was right. He lied about the reason why he got hurt and that was because he touched Stella. She pushed him away because he touched her waist."

"Waist? That guy has guts to randomly touch someone he doesn't know, or well...she doesn't know that well. But isn't that kind of normal in high school? I mean, people get into relationships so they do touch each other. Haven't you seen what happens around me?" Jordan says, raising my eyebrows.

"Jordan, you're different."

"Again with the different? Really? Am I not special or anything?" He says, pouting a bit.

I roll my eyes. "Oh come on Jordan. You know every girl adores you because you play lacrosse and you're athletic and all. Miles isn't anything special. He looks ordinary expect he tries to act like something he isn't."

"He probably did drama. I was a pretty good actor in my freshman year." Jordan says proudly. "Well...I still am."

"I'm not going to comment on that-"

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