25. hiking adventures

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Stuart's P.O.V

"Everybody up! Up! Out of your sleeping bags you lazy children! Get up or I will very forced to throw you into the creek!" Mrs. Rogers cries into a megaphone as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

What a great way to wake up to in the middle of a forest.

I assume she passed by my tent as her voice starts to become less high pitched, letting me breathe a sigh of relief.




Silence again.

"Jordan." I attempt to wake him up by shaking his arm until he finally lets out a muffled mess of words.

"It's 6:00am," he replies, groaning.

"Get up."

He groans again, "Dude what the hell?"

I realize that it's useless waking up Jordan after my many attempts to do so and decide to lie back down. I hear the tent zipper open and immediately jerk my body up to find Stella staring down at us.

"Stella?" I look at her in horror as I put the covers on top of me.

"And Milo! Don't forget about me." He says as he pokes his head in and grins.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

Stella looks at my shirt with a hint of a smile, "DC fan, huh?"

"So what?"

"Nothing, Marvel's better. Anyway, are you two going to get up anytime soon? Maybe by this year?" She says, in that sarcastic tone of hers.

"Stuart, why did your voice change?" Jordan asks with a deep and tired voice.

"Is puberty hitting him or something?" Stella asks, frowning at Jordan who rolls onto his back.

"You're full of surprises." Milo mutters.

"Dude, get up," I say as Jordan lets out another whine and groggily gets up. His eyes widen when he sees Stella and Milo staring at him.

"Oh god. What are you guys doing here!?" He asks frantically as he covers himself with the blanket.

"Calm down jock. We're not going to do you any harm. Now both of you get up or Man will come in and wake you up with her snoring." Stella chuckles.

Jordan groans again, ruffling his dark hair. "Fine."

Stella grins as she leaves the tent while Milo stays there until some force suddenly pushes him out of the way.

"Hey!" I hear him cry.

What the heck was that?

To my luck,Thalia pokes her head in. Her hair is in a bunch of loose curls as her perfume scent bursts into the tent. I'm pretty sure the whole freaking camp has seen me in my pj's so far.

Jordan smacks his hand on his head."What's with everyone-"

"Shush Jackson," Thalia say as she narrows her eyes at him but flashes me a smile.

I have no idea what she's doing here.

Thalia smiles again and decides to come inside my tent.

I let my reflexes take over and push her back, as gently as I possibly could. "Whoa! What are you doing?" My eyes widen as she gives me a slight pout.

"My name is Jordan." Jordan corrects, rolling his eyes as if it's obvious.

"I'm trying to get in." Thalia responds, placing her hands on my hands that are on her shoulders. 

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