47. seat buckles and revenge

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Stella's P.O.V

"I swear I didn't kidnap her!"

My eyes shoot open to the sound of a man's annoying voice.  I rub the sleep out of my eyes to find Stuart, Jordan and a cop standing in front of me.

"Can you explain why she's in your car?" The man asks.

"It's a long story..." Stuart drawls.

"Long story huh? First you come into the hospital, as usual, trying to pry into my cases with your partner in crime. And then, you kidnap a girl and lock her into your car?" 

"See, she was supposed to come with us inside but..."

"But what?" 

"But she annoyed me so much so I decided to leave her in the car. Trust me, if she came with us inside she would've burnt the hospital down." Stuart glares at me.

"My mom works there. Why would I burn it down?" Jordan and Stuart's eyes widen at my hoarse voice.

"What?" I frown.

"You know these people?" The cop asks me. I stare at him for a moment and knit my eyebrows together. He looks like someone. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I stare at Jordan and Stuart, contemplating if I should play along with the whole kidnapping story and see Stuart get his ass whipped. But then, putting on a false accusation was worse so I simply nod my head.

"Yes sir. I do know these idiots." 

"I told you dad." Stuart says and my eyes light up at his choice of words.

"Dad?" My face breaks into a grin that makes Stuart groan. My eyes danced between Stuart and his father. I see some similarities. They share the same nose, eye shape and eyebrows. I can't help but giggle.

"I'm sorry you're going to have to listen to this-" Stuart starts but I leap out of the car and approach them.

"You're Stuart's dad? You're Papa Degray?" I ask with a huge grin on my face. He stares at me in confusion.

"Papa Degray?" He questions, then snaps his fingers. "You're Stella! You're that girl that Stuart-"

"DAD!" Stuart interjects but his dad just laughs at him.

"Did these boys do you any harm? If they did, I can teach them a quick lesson." He smiles at me.

"Hm? Did they do any harm?" I raise my eyebrows at the two boys in front of me. Jordan's hand brushes his nape and he looks away, his lips pursed. Stuart stands there with his arms crossed.

"We didn't even touch you." Stuart says.

"Yeah and if you did, you'd know what would have happened." I give a long look to both of the boys.

"The harm you guys did do is that YOU LEFT ME IN THE CAR FOR ALMOST AN HOUR!" 

"Not an hour..." Jordan says under his breath and Stuart nudges him in the ribs.

"Not an hour? What? What is it even longer!?"

"It was an hour and 15 minutes, to be exact. Happy now?" Stuart mutters.

"Was that necessary? She could have come along too." Papa Degray says, shaking his head at his son.

"My mom works in the hospital. I just wanted to see what she does  but this saucy man didn't bother to take me along." 

"Saucy man?" Stuart gawks at me.

"Yes. Saucy man." I correct and Jordan chuckles.

"That sounds like a brand of tomato sauce. Stuart's sauce." Jordan snickers and Stuart gives us both a glare.

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