14. yeah my nose is not broken

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Stella's P.O.V

I groan in my seat as I let out an exasperated sigh, "How long is this going to take!?"

Stuart yawns as he shuts his eyes, covering his face with his hat. "Till you shut up."

"Oh please, Degray. I was the one entertaining everyone on this horrifying bus."

"I need to ask her out." Milo mutters as I give the back of his head a weird look.

Sometimes Milo and his obsession over Jessica freaked me out.

"Gus?" I ask, sinking into my seat. I push Stuart away from me because his shoulder was touching mine and he just grumbles.

I'm not sure if that was his way of bickering with me.

Bear growls yeah!

"Yea?" Gus answers as I pause for a moment.

I stare at Milo's head again. "What's Milo, doing?"

"Trying to ignore you." Stuart mutters under his cap.

"Shut up, you're boring enough." I glare at him, though he doesn't notice it.

"Guys, how about we play a game?" Thalia suggests as she gives us a wide smile.

I could tell she used those Colgate White Strips that they show on tv.

"Your games are probably trying to a have a hair whip contest or something. I'll pass." I say as I look back outside of the window.

"And we obviously know who'll win. Me. Duh, look at these gorgeous brown locks." Luna smiles sweetly as she moves her fingers through her hair.

"Hmm yeah. Hotdog toppings." I comment as Stuart stifles a laugh.

Luna glares at us, "You four," she says pointing at each one of us, "Are the most annoying people ever existed on the face of the planet. You guys simply can't handle pure beauty."

"Is that the only thing that concerns you? Beauty?" I say, rolling my eyes. "Seriously, sometimes I hate being a girl."

"Of course you would hate being a girl. Haven't you seen yourself? Anyone who looked like you would wish they were never on the face of the planet."

I see Stuart frown towards Luna's direction and he looks over at me, noticing that my lips are pursed. "Hey." He says softly as I blink for a moment, looking back at him.


"Don't let her words get to your head."

"I'm not letting her words get into my head. Stop it." I grumble as he purses his lips into a thin line. He's about to say something else but I shut him up by squinting my eyes at him.

I decide to forget about Luna by trying to wake Milo up. He just mumbles in his sleep, obviously having an imaginary date with Jessica. "Don't wake him up, I'm recording this," Gus says, telling me to stop.

I let out a soft giggle as I see him smile in his sleep, snuggling his cheek into his shoulder. Gus is adding his own commentary in the back, saying how his cheeks look like flat pancakes.

"I think Jordan's constipated," Stuart says, breaking the silence.

"Way to break the silence, Stewie." I scowl at him as he shakes his head at me confused.

"He's been in the bathroom for like," He checks his watch, "30 minutes."

"And he said he needed to pee," Gus says.

"Can someone get constipated while peeing?" He asks, then makes a sour face.

"Gus, who asks that?" I say, making a disgusted face.

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