28. yellow gloves and flower aprons

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Stella's P.O.V

Stuart keeps grinning towards my direction as we're walking towards the campsite. His behaviour makes me suspicious. I wonder if he's laughing at my mental breakdown scene. It was the first time I ever cried in front of anyone, which doesn't include Jennie.

I just didn't expect myself to break down like that. The topic of my father causes my eyes to swell in tears and start to stream down my face uncontrollably.

And it's always the same person who reminds me of it.


"Hey Stewie, you're creeping me out. Why the hell are you smiling so much?"

He blinks at me for a moment. "What? Nothing. Inside joke." 

He smiles again and I avoid eye contact with him.

"It's my whole crying thing isn't it?" 

This stupid boy, really.

"What? No. It's not that." He confirms, giving me a thumbs up as I frown at his movement.

Since when did he start giving me thumbs up?

"Then what is it?"

"Like I said, inside joke."

"There you are!!" A high pitched voice that belong to Jennie invades my hearing. She runs towards me and gives me a bear hug. I'm about to fall on the ground but I steady myself up and try to breathe through her presence.

"WHoah! Hey!" I laugh, trying to breathe through her hug.

"Where were you? I was searching everywhere for you! You guys didn't even show up in the activities." Jennie looks at both of us. She seems slightly disappointed.

"Yea because we got in trouble." 

"The whole hill thing, right? Did you hear what happened between Stuart and-"

"I'll tell her later." Stuart jumps in which causes Jennie to be quiet. I figured it's probably about the whole fight thing that happened between Stuart and this 'guy'. I guess everybody knows about it except me.

"Anyways," she sings. "I saw Luna and Thalia walk somewhere.  Apparently, I'm supposed to go look for them." Jennie mutters.

She looks ready to just quit which I would've gladly encouraged her to do.

"Oh, we saw them." Stuart jumps in as Jennie raises her eyebrow.

"What? Where?" She asks.

"Walking towards the creek, by the infirmary cabin." I reply, remembering their annoying giggles and the way their piercing eyes dug straight into my soul.

"You met them?" Jennie asks as she looks between the both of us.

Stuart nods his head sadly, "Yeah."

"Oh...Stella did they say-"

"Yeah, but it's okay." I reassure her as Jennie's eyes darken. She looks ready to find prey with those intense dark eyes. I see her hand clench into a fist which makes me kind of impressed. I haven't seen her this determined to beat someone before.

"They're such...argh! I wanna slap them sometimes!" Jennie grits her teeth as she lets out a deep groan. "How dare they even try to hurt my best friend's feelings!"

I smile at her boldness as Stuart glances at me, giving me a 'what happened to her" look. "It's okay, Jennie. I'm always okay." It's the feeling I'm so used to now. I just try to not let it affect me so much. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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