44. something's in my eye

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Stuart's P.O.V

It's been a month since the camping trip and I'm drowning in assignments. projects, tests and quizzes. I find it funny how the school decided to put the camping trip before midterms were arriving, and all I've been doing is staying extra hours in the library to finish school work.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and get my math textbook from my locker. It's the end of the day as I gather my belongings, shutting my locker with a thud. People are roaming around the halls, laughing and joking and here I am worried about my midterms.

I've been studying well, so it's good right?

I go down the 3 flights of stairs and out of the school doors. I'm going to walk home today because dad's too busy with his cases right now. I'm wondering if I should take a short trip to the hospital to see if he's there.

I'm waiting by the sidewalk for the light to indicate green as a huge arm comes around me. I almost yelp and see that it's just Jordan, who gives me a huge grin. "Hey man."

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as we start to walk together.

"Have you heard about the news?" 

"What news?"

He raises his eyebrows at me for a moment, his lips pouted as he suddenly shakes his head. "Oh right, you wouldn't know. I found out after lacrosse practice."

I roll my eyes as he mentions lacrosse. I've been trying to get on the field for a while now, but I know my marks have to be good for my year in order to get into a good university.

But...I still wish I was able to have crowds cheering for me as I play on the field.

"What's the news?" I ask, curious as Jordan claps his hands.

"Remember Trevor? He's coming back in the next two weeks because his uncle's getting married. He's going to have a party and he's invited a lot of people." Jordan says, ruffling his hair.

"Trevor? As in Trevor Scott?" I ask, almost surprised.

He nods his head, a wide grin on his face. "I'm hyped to see him. I'm thinking of inviting Stella and the others to the party too."

I stare at him, "Why?"

"Well, I think they should also experience the life of the parties, huh? Trevor's been our bud since grade school and I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting some new friends, right?"

I just nod my head, wondering if what Jordan's thinking is a good idea. Most high school parties consist of drinking and drugs and I didn't think it was a good idea to drag Stella into it.

He examines my face as he lets out a sigh. "I know that face."


"You're getting all worked up about the party. Trevor's parties are pretty clean. There's no drinking or spiking drinks, well...spiking could happen but there's no visible bottles of alcohol lying around. Trust me that there's no sex in the backyard or in the house because it's a party for God's sake. People want to have a good time and forget their shitty lives in school. You should consider coming, for Trevor's sake." Jordan says as I bite my lip.

"Remember the last time I went to a party?" I ask, as Jordan lets out a chuckle.

"Yes I do, but that was because you got so drunk. I remember you only drinking like one shot and you became all hazy and trippy. I still haven't forgotten the car you wrecked."

I rub my head as I let out a soft laugh. "That was pretty wild."

"Wild wild night." He grins as suddenly, a whip of air comes on my face. I blink aggressively because I think something flew into my eye.

I halt as I hear the sound of familiar laughter. "Hello Stewie. Jordie."

I'm rubbing my eye so much that I feel water coming out of it. I open my other eye and glare at Stella, who is too busy smiling at me.

"Why so angry Stewie?" She asks as she nudges my shoulder.

"You had to run so fast." I grumble as I rub my eye again, "Something's in my eye."

"Look at the little brunette running as fast as lightning." Jordan says, smirking at Stella as she rolls her eyes.

"I can run much faster than you think." She counters back as Jordan raises his eyebrow, giving her a challenging smile.

"Oh yeah? Let's race it out."

"Guys. Something's wrong with my eye." I grumble, making both of them stop from deciding to have a racing contest.

"What if it's a bug?" Jordan asks.

"A bug? How can a bug get into his eye?" Stella frowns.

"It's possible." I grumble as Stella just smirks at me.

"Don't cry Stewie. Sometimes karma happens, and it's happening to you." She says as she starts laughing after a few moments.

Why does she like doing this?! It drives me crazy.

After minutes of insanely rubbing my eye, we head down the street away from school. "Anyways, before Stella interrupted us by running like a freaking bear and making a fly come into my eye, I was thinking that we should go visit the police station." I say as Jordan's eyes sparkle.

"The police station? It's been such a long time!" He exclaims.

"I want to go. I can get to see Papa Degray." Stella says as I scowl at her. She doesn't need to go. She'd wreck the place to ashes.

"Uh no." I say as she frowns at me.

"What do you mean no?" She asks.

"You're too young." I say as she just crosses her arms and huffs at me.

"I'm only 17. Jeez... Stewie, I can handle a police station." She confirms as I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Oh come on. Let her go. She can see what we do for fun. She can see what Jordan Lawrence does when he isn't busy being a jock." Jordan smirks as Stella rolls her eyes at his statement, a smile on her face.

Oh great. Jordan takes Stella's side. Why did I not see this coming?

"See? Jordan wants me to go. Why are you such a bus kill?" She says as I just frown. 

I know why Jordan would love for you to go.

"Fine. But you better not wreak the place down."

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