16. Goodwin isn't a girl's name

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Stella's P.O.V

I dry my hair with a towel, letting my damp hair fall down my shoulders. I wasn't supposed to fall in a lake, much less cause everyone else to do the same. Luna and Thalia gave me cold stares as they cleaned themselves up in the bathroom, complaining on how there must be fish pee in their hair.

I lean against the rough barky tree, letting out a soft sigh. The towel lays on my thighs while my legs are stretched out in front of me. The sun is setting down as I watch the creek shimmer with colours of orange and yellow. It's a beautiful sight to see.

"Hey there shortie."

I frown at the nickname as I lift my head to see a smirking Jordan. His hair is dry and he's wearing a black hoodie with ripped light blue jeans. I don't even think he tries to look good.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as he crosses his legs and sits down next to me.

"Criss cross applesauce." He mumbles lightly as he grins cutely at me.

"What are you doing here?' He retorts back as I focus on the sunset again.

"Relaxing." I finally say as he hums in response.

"Ahh relaxing. If you dream enough, you can reach the top of that tree there and see the sunset better," He smirks as I roll my eyes at him.

"I can see the sunset Jordan."

"Yeah but I'm saying for a better look-"

"Do you think I can't climb a tree?" I gawk at him as he purses his lips, but then lets out a lope sided grin.

"Wanna bet?"

"I highly doubt that. I'm not betting."

"Scared you'll loose?" He raises his eyebrows, a challenging look on his face.

"Okay, you know what. Fine. I'll climb the tree." I say confidently as I get up and brush the dirt from my jeans. Jordan gives me an amused smirk as he watches me get a hold of the thick tree branch, hoisting myself up while trying to find something for my foot to stay put. I let out a low grunt as I struggle to climb the tree.

"Want a little help?" I hear Jordan say, softly chuckling.

"No." I grumble, slowly finding my way up the tree.

It wasn't even a big tree but it's difficult to find a place for my hands and feet to grab on. I don't even know why I gave into this challenge, knowing that all Jordan's probably doing is having a little fun watching me struggle.

"You sure you don't want a little help?"

"No Mr. Jock Jordan."

He lets out a soft laugh when he hears the nickname, finally coming behind me to put his hands on my waist. His strong arms take me down from the tree, softly placing me on the ground. I'm too surprised to say anything as Jordan gives me a dorky smile, taking a leaf out of my hair.

I'm a disgrace. I barely got up that tree.

"At least you tried." He laughs as I finally come back to my senses, smacking his chest.

He moves his hands away from my waist as I feel my cheeks getting hot. His simple touch made me feel like mush. His arms are strong and muscular, because he's a jock after all.

"So, since you lost the bet-"

"I didn't lose the bet!" I exclaim, giving him a glare.

"Yeah you did. Your short legs couldn't climb the tree." He says, glancing at the tree and then at my legs.

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