30. i have a crush

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Stuart's P.O.V

Don't blame me.

I'm curious.

I watch Stella and Eric walk by the creek, his arm slung over her shoulder. They look so calm and peaceful and I can't help but feel curious of what they're doing. I look at the way she talks and laughs along with him, smiling and joking around.

She's smiling so fondly at him.

Who is this guy anyway?

Why is he here?

Why does Stella like him so much?

Why do I care?

I thought we had kind of developed an understanding. I guess I was wrong....

A million questions swarm around my head as I watch both of them laugh while I hide behind a huge tree.

I hope I don't get caught.


I turn around so fast that my head hits the tree branch. I rub my head and wince as I see Jordan standing next to me with an amused look.

"Dude what are you doing here?" He asks. He leans against the oak tree, crossing his arms and smirks at me.

"Um... what are...you... doing here?" I stutter as my hand brushes the side of my head in attempt to stall.

He raises his eyebrow, "You're spying on Stella aren't you?"

That's not it. I'm not a creepy stalker.

"Spying? What? No! I was just-" I'm trying to think of an explanation but my mind is completely blank.

Great job Stuart.

"Bro, don't do that. What? You don't trust her?" Jordan asks.

Jordan...! Sometimes I wish this guy didn't sneak up on me.

"Yea I guess I trust her but-"

"It's about the guy she's with isn't it?"

"What guy?" 

This Eric. What's so good about him anyway?

"You know what guy I'm talking about, Stuart. They saw each other after a while, of course they need time together. Give them some space. You've already had a rough day." Jordan says.


"I am giving them space. I'm not like... I'm coming between them." I say. "But... I'm surprised in the change of attitude. Look."

Jordan looks to where I'm looking and raises his eyebrows in surprise, "That...... never seen it before. I'm used to her bold and confident side."

"Exactly. She looks like she's just seen a puppy. I don't I've seen her smile like that."

"Dude, still give them some space. Stella hasn't forgotten about you so relax." He assures me, giving my back a pat.

"Are you telling me that I'm missing her?" I ask as Jordan gives me a small smile.

"That's what it looks like."

"That's not true. I would never miss her." 

The truth is, I miss her a lot. I wouldn't mind staying in that kitchen cabin with her again.

"Really? How about you go deep into that heart of yours and find out how you really feel about her. I know you got something." Jordan says, "But anyway, come on! It's time to go back."

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