41. sometimes opposites don't attract

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Stuart's P.O.V

I struggle with my tent as I'm trying to put it back into it's cover. Stella comes a few minutes later and quickly disassembles her tent and starts to put it in the cover. She rummages through her bags and takes out a piece of gum. She pops it into her mouth and blows a bubble as she hums and tidies up everything.

How the hell did she do it so quickly? She can't even put up a tent much less put one back to where it was.

I continue trying to disassemble my tent as Stella's voice interrupts my attempts, "I won't be sitting with you on the bus this time."

"What?" I say, even though I heard her the first time.

"I'm sitting with Jordan so you won't have to worry about me anymore." She says as she shoulders her backpack.

"You're sitting with him? Okay..."

I guess Jennie's right. Why does my heart feel like it's aching?

"Don't worry. You'll find someone to sit with. Thalia's always available. You should be happy. You won't have to listen to my sarcasm or my theories anymore."

"Yeah...I guess. But I already got someone to sit with." 

"Oh really? Who?"


"Jennie? Really? I thought she was going to sit with Milo or something. Oh wait. Jessica. Did she tell him yet?" Stella asks.

I shake my head and she sighs. "That girl. I get it though. She doesn't like to rush things."

"Anyway, I'll see you around." She says as she heads for the bus.

She completely ignored me. She didn't even make fun of me for not being able to put my tent back. She just told me who she was sitting with and left. She's not the same anymore. I'm starting to miss the old Stella.

Or maybe, I'm the reason why she's like this.

It's not my fault we met in detention and then somehow stumbled upon each other in the guidance counselor room and were forced to spend time with each other. Is this some sort of disadvantage?

I'm still struggling with my tent when Gus comes next to me. I get startled at first because I didn't see him for a while. "Hi." I say and he smiles, his camera around his neck and a sunhat on his head. He takes some sunglasses out of his pocket and puts it on top of his hat so he looks like a tourist.

"Hi. Oh. Do you need help?" He asks, looking at the mess that is my tent.

"Yeah. Please."

He smiles as he helps me disassemble the tent and after a few minutes I'm ready to go. "Thanks."

"I haven't see you in a while. How's everything?" I ask as Gus smiles.

"Good I guess. I'm not hanging out with Milo as much. He's busy himself as you may have seen. So...I started hanging out with.... don't get mad please. He's not bad at all." Gus stutters. He looked like he's ready to collapse in fear.

"Who is it?"

"Minho. I'm hanging out with him nowadays. Since everyone is so busy, He's the only company I have left. But he's not like Luna or Thalia or Miles at all. He's pretty cool." Gus says and I smile at him.

"Cool. Yeah, I always found Minho different from the rest of them." I say and Gus nods.

"Yeah. Minho told me he doesn't really like them. Ever since Luna and Thalia came, Miles was different. He says he likes my camera and my passion for film so yeah. I like him as a person and we're going on to the bus together. Even do the history project together." Gus smiles broadly, fixing his hat on his head.

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