15. dora didn't teach you anything

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Stuart's P.O.V

I follow Stella, Jennie and Jordan as we meet with the rest of the group of students. Everyone else is pretty much finished with putting their tents up. There is a lot of movement and socializing happening between the students and what I assumed to be the camp directors. I could see a blonde woman flashing her pearly whites as she shakes hands with the teachers. 

I look over to see Luna and Thalia struggling with their tent, as Corey and Elden go to help them. I could tell they were trying not to laugh as Luna was shrieking about ants in her shoes. To be honest, I'm not surprised I'm witnessing that. Those two don't seem to be like the wilderness types. 

Soon Gus and Milo join us, their hands and jeans dirty.

Stella looks at them with a questionable look, her eyes fixed on their grimy hands. "What on earth happened to you guys?"

"Tent disaster. Who knew that it would be so hard?" Gus says, wiping his hands on what looks like a Lysol wipe. Milo rubs his forehead only to see that it made him even more dirty than before. "Yeah, I didn't know it took this long to put up a tent. Yo Gus, pass me the wipe."

"Maybe we should've gone camping the new way. Milo wouldn't have been so dirty then," Jordan says, as Milo shoots him a look. Jordan simply smiles as he hands him another wipe to clean himself with.

"Is it just me because I'm tired. I am ready to go and sleep." Stella says as she yawns. She stretches her arms and her hand almost hits my face again. I duck down just in time before her hand made contact with my nose again.

Jordan saw my quick move and grinned at me. I could tell that he was enjoying this way too much.

"It's you who's tired." Jennie says as Stella just dismisses her hand.

"We haven't even done anything. I want to do something." She says, tapping her foot on the ground.

"There comes the hyperactive part," Milo says, almost in a whisper.

"She's about to get impulsive," Gus adds slowly, as if he was trying to show a dramatic effect.

Both boys whisper and mumble about Stella as they cover their hands on their mouths. They look like a bunch of girls trying to spill some tea to each other.

"Would you shut up?" Stella says, rolling her eyes at the two grinning boys.

"She's got radar ears too." Milo giggles as Stella was about to go smack him until Mrs. Man strolls out to the field, and puts on her fishing hat.

"Well well well, welcome back from your tent extravaganza." She says, smiling at the group in front of her.

Some people even clap as she beams widely. I guess she's never received this kind of attention before or everyone is just glad they aren't at school.

"Extravaganza? Does she even know what that means?" I hear Stella mutter as she shakes her head at Mrs. Man.

"Do you know what it means?" I smirk at her as she moves to meet my eyes.

"As a matter a fact, I do. It means something spectacular. Something entertaining and fun," she says, raising her eyebrow at me, "which is definitely not you." She adds quickly before looking at Mrs. Man's fishing hat.

I grin at her but she doesn't seem to care.


"Actually, the dictionary says that extravaganza means an elaborate and spectacular entertainment or production. Like birthdays, shows, pageants and galas." Laura says, wedging between Stella and me.

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