39. secret meeting

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Stella's P.O.V

I slowly get out of my tent and take my lantern that's in front of my tent. I slowly walk by Stuart's tent without making a sound because I'm pretty sure he can wake up easily. He has insomnia too. I slowly creep past the other tents and start walking to the infirmary cabin.

If Mrs. Man finds out about me sneaking out of my tent, she'll kill me. She already tolerated enough of my schemes and this will probably be the final straw. But I need to go.

I accidentally step on a twig and it snaps. I try not to gasp too loudly as I slowly walk over it. I hope no one heard that. I keep creeping and finally, I find the infirmary cabin.

I don't know what time it is but it's probably around 12:00am and I hope he wasn't sleeping. I slowly go up the stairs but it creaks with my every step. I close my eyes tight as I keep going up, grasping onto the lantern in my hand.

I slowly open the door (which obviously creaks) and slowly step inside, closing the door quietly behind me. I don't see Lori anywhere so that means either she's sleeping or she's in some other room.

I don't see Jordan anywhere and that makes me surprised. Where is he? I go over to his bed and see that his stuff is there but where is he? Where is everyone? I frown as I try looking for Jordan.

After a few minutes of trying to find Jordan, I decide to go back to my tent since I don't see anyone there. I start to walk to the door when a voice interrupts my escape.


Oh shit. I'm caught.

I turn around and almost hit the back of my head on the door. The lantern falls on the floor with a thud which sends my heart into panic mode. I wince as I look at the glass pieces on the ground.

"What are you doing here? It's like 1:00am." Jordan says as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

I stare at him as he frowns, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"N... nothing..." I stammer as I pick up my lantern from the floor. I don't know why I'm so scared or why I'm shivering. Maybe because it's freezing in the infirmary cabin or because I'm scared out of my mind.

I've snuck into places before but I've never been caught.

Not like this.

He probably thinks I'm a creepy stalker or something.

"Stella? You okay?" Jordan asks as he leans onto his crutches.

I nod my head so fast that I feel like it's going to fall. The butterflies in my stomach come instantly, making it feel like I'm going to throw up.

"You know you're not supposed to be here right?" Jordan smirks as he shakes his head at me teasingly.

"I...I know.... but I couldn't sleep..." I stutter and he smiles.

Who knew being caught in a blink of an eye can make a person so tongue-tied?

"You came to see me?" He asks. His voice is deep and sexy and it sends shivers down my spine. I can tell that he's tired and his hair is a tangled mess. It makes him look adorable.

I stare at him as he raises his eyebrows which causes me to melt inside. He has an amused look on his face as he moves his fingers through his hair, shutting one eye as the other one looks at me.

"I need to talk to you." I say, my tongue getting dry in my mouth as he tilts his head to the side in curiosity.

"You miss me that much? Alright...but you better be quiet. I don't want you to explode and start yelling or something, then you'll wake everyone up." Jordan says as he sits on his bed.

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