19. two truths and one lie

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Stuart's P.O.V

As I'm finishing my food, Stella and Milo come back, laughing hysterically. We all give them puzzled looks.

"How'd it go?" I ask as I see Stella grin widely as she wipes her hands on her dark jeans. She's glowing at this point or maybe because she's standing so close to the lanterns.

"Perfect," she sighs. "I loved the look on their faces."

"They're really easy to toy with if you haven't noticed already. Just say your name and their eyes widened." Milo says, showing how Luna and Thalia's eyes widen. He starts to fan himself with his hands as if he's fangirling.

"Surprisingly, Jessica was there and you managed to talk. Usually you're as still as a statue," Gus says as Milo just shruggs.

"Oh you know me. When it comes to pranks or making up jokes, I'm a pro. Nothing can stop me." Milo replies with a smug look.

"Again, why do you like Jessica?" Jennie asks as she looks over at Milo. 

He purses his lips as he ruffles his hair, "I don't know. You get crushes okay? It's natural...." He says nervously. I glance at Stella as she looks at Jennie very carefully, raising one of her eyebrows in the process. 

Something was up.

"Anyways, I don't know how I'm going to survive a week without Wi-Fi. This place is boring. All we've been doing is fishing," Stella says, breaking the awkward tension between Milo and Jennie.

"You ruined the fishing activity," Gus says, letting out a cough to signal Stella.

"Oh shut up. I made it entertaining." she scoffs. "Didn't you see all the smiles on those depressed kids?"

"I give all the thanks to that fish who reeled you in," I say, remembering how she fell into the water and glared at me.

"And you were stupid enough to take your hand out so I can pull you in." Stella grins at me as the smile falls out of my face. 

I wasn't expecting that to happen to be honest.

"And you had to push me out of the boat." Jordan says. "I told you my hair takes long to look nice."

"You think I was going to spare you two?" Stella says as she ruffles Jordan's hair and he pushes her hands away. "Hey! The hair! I told you!"

"Nope," Jennie says. "Sadly I fell into Stella's mischievous thoughts."

"Thank God Goodwin wasn't there with me." Gus says, "We both would've drowned."

"In a lake?" Milo gives Gus a puzzled look as he nods his head with affirmation.

"Isn't Goodwin a boy name?" Jordan asks, fixing his hair as he places his hood on top. Now it looks like he has a bob cut as Stella giggles at him.

"So what? In my terms, Goodwin is a girl," Gus replies, soundly slightly offended.

"Which you're going to get married to. Did you pick out a dress for her?" Stella asks as Gus glares at her and she laughs.

"Okay kids, dinner is over. It's time for bed!" Mr. Pento cries as students start to clean up their places. Multiple trash bags are around the area, each with multiple bugs and fruit flies swarming around them.

"Who is that guy?" Stella asks, raising her eyebrows at Mr. Pento.

"Mr. Pento. My history teacher," I reply as she lets out a snort.

"Pento? Seriously? Pento?" She says, trying not to laugh. "Sounds like a bad tent product."

"Wait, bedtime already?" Gus asks, gulping down his bread. "I'm not even done eating yet!"

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