46. locked in the car

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Stella's P.O.V

"My mom is gonna kill me."

"No she's not." Stuart says as he takes a sharp left, making me bump against the side door.

"What's the worst that could happen? It's not like you're taking one of those special needles and injecting it into some patient that might die soon." Jordan chuckles as I scowl at him.

"I'm not going to do that." I say as Stuart raises his eyebrows in a mocking manner.

"It could happen. Then your mom comes up and throws the needle in the trash, along with you." Stuart chuckles as I kick his back seat.

"Hey! Don't touch my jeep!" He yells and I glare at him.

"I'm sitting in your precious jeep, idiot." I grumble.

"Why did I agree to take her along with us?" He mumbles to Jordan and I give his seat another kick.

"I heard that Stewie!" 

He heaves a sigh. "Okay, we're here. Do you know where your mom works?" He asks, turning around to face me.

I'm leaning back in the seat, pulling and releasing the seat belt around me. "Um...the hospital?"

"No really?" He mocks as I glare at him.

"You're such an idiot. I'm pretty sure she works in the nursing section. Where babies are born."

"Your mom delivers babies?" Jordan and Stuart say in unison.

"What? No. dMy mom's a nurse you dumb ass." I snicker as Stuart just rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go see if they have that person who killed themself." Stuart grins as he jumps out of the Jeep and closes the door.

I reach for the door handle and grab onto it, using my other hand to unbuckle the seat belt. My hand has a firm grip on the door handle but when I pull it, it doesn't open.

I continue pulling with as much strength I could muster but it still doesn't budge. "Hey!" 

Stuart grins when he notices my struggles. What a dumb ass. Why is he smiling?

"Come on Jordan. Let's go. Now I know it's definitely locked." I hear him say and my jaw hits the ground.

"Did you just lock me in!?" 

"Oh, we'll be back. Don't worry about that. This is a job for mature adults and if you went along, well... things would not be so good." Stuart says with a smug look on his face.

I stare at Jordan in disbelief.  "Jordan! Why are you just-"

"Jordan is with me in this one. I agreed to take you along so he agrees to leave you in the car until we come back. Now don't make a huge fuss. This is a public parking place." He snickers as Jordan gives me an apologetic smile. They both start walking away from the Jeep and towards the entrance of the hospital.

Moments later, I see nothing.

"ARGG!! I FREAKING HATE YOU DEGRAY!" I yell in the car and angrily kick his seat again.

How did I manage to fall into Stuart's trap? I'm such an idiot. All I wanted to do was to take that stupid smirk off his face and push him off a cliff. I even told him where mom works. Fuck.

I can't even leave. There's no way out. I sigh, lying down on my back and putting my arms behind my head. I squirm my body around so I could get comfortable, because God knows when those two will come back. They're going to purposely take their sweet sweet time and come back when it's dark out.

The sound of my stomach groaning doesn't make this situation any better. I'm so hungry. I get up to put myself in the front seat and rummage through the armrest to see if he had anything inside that could fulfill my hunger.

I find a half eaten granola bar and throw it back instantly. Gross.

I heave a sigh and slump down in the seat. I put my knees to my chest and put my head down. I might as well sleep through it. With the sound of chirping birds, I close my eyes and fall into a deep slumber.

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