20. late night sketches and late night noises

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Stella's P.O.V

I leave (or should I say I escape) the campfire as the rest play the Two Truths and One Lie game. I don't want the whole world knowing about me, especially since Luna's present and that's what I did with Stuart. Everyone made fun of him being the son of a sheriff, which makes no sense to me. All those random rumors and assumptions of the sheriff's son keep playing in my head. Their reactions to finding out that he was the sheriff's son, the one who didn't match any of their expectations, was sad. I thought his whole class knew but when I heard his classmates say all those things about him, I didn't bother saying the lie.

It's obvious that he isn't near or close to being a computer genius. I knew that Jordan knew too, that's why we both stayed quiet.

I lean against the dark pine tree, as the lantern light shines down on me. I had taken my bag out of my tent and decided to take out my sketch book and my pencil. I look at the moon, letting my fingers graze the paper, and start drawing.

I think of wild grey wolves and decide to draw a wolf howling at the moon. I've always admired wolves because of their strong exterior and how they're so in control of themselves and the others around them. They're born leaders, strong, snarly and vicious. Although they can be super deadly, I find them so cool. Their gray fur caked in the earth around them, their sharp teeth, dark eyes, and ears sticking up to whenever they hear a predator coming towards them, they're one of the strongest animals on the face of this planet. 

Aside from all my other things I like to do in my spare time, drawing was one of the things I love to do. The fact that you can just sit in a corner by yourself by the window, put on some calm music (instrumental is one of the best things there is if you ask me), with a messy apron and paint on your cheeks, can reflect on your life and put it to life on a blank canvas.

It's so calming that I sometimes lose myself, but no one really knew about it, except Jennie. Thinking about Jennie, I find something that I should've found before.

She doesn't like Jordan. Okay, maybe I'm wrong but I can see it on her face whenever she glances at Milo. There's something going on between her and Milo and I think she's too scared to say anything to him. The way she notices Milo talking about Jessica and the way her smile falls off her face is clear evidence that she's crushed to hear him talk so fondly about her.

I don't know if she's jealous of him liking Jessica, but the way she looks down at her shoes as if she's checking to see if her shoelaces are untied even when she's wearing flats is more evidence. She's trying to avoid eye contact with him when he smiles in her direction. She laughs at his jokes and messed up pranks all the time, even if I did something better than Milo has.

Milo is special to her.

Except I don't think he knows that. 

Maybe she doesn't want to break Jordan's heart. Maybe Jordan's a distraction for her. Milo and Jennie have known each other since elementary school. She's the one who pulled him away from trouble, like the time Milo accidentally cut some girl's hair thinking it was going to grow back in seconds.

That was the time Milo and Jennie pretended to play Rapunzel. They've had their share of great childhood memories.

Reminds me of my former best friends, the three of us were inseparable. 

Sadly, things aren't the same anymore. We've drifted apart and went our separate ways.

I let the thought aside but I can't judge Jennie, or anyone for that matter. It's not my say to call out people's feelings for each other. I don't even know what's going on in my life.

I'm either stuck with Stewie or pulled aside by Jordan.

I shouldn't assume things that I don't know about.

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