34. you guys finally agreed on something

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Stuart's P.O.V

"Did you find her?" I ask as Milo walks towards me with two water bottles.

"Yeah. She's fine, I don't know why you're overreacting. It's not like she got kidnapped or anything." Milo says as he opens his water bottle and tosses me mine. I catch it before it falls to the ground because Milo takes throwing stuff to the next baseball level.

Why does this guy think so much?

"No...what I meant to say was that I didn't know where she went..." My voice falters as Milo grins, raising his eyebrows playfully.

"Stella didn't go anywhere. She was sitting by the creek with Jordan. If you ever need to find her, she'll probably be somewhere with water." Milo informs, drowning himself with water.

"Stella was with Jordan?"

When the hell did that happen?

Milo nods as he shakes his head, the water droplets rolling down his cheek. "Yeah I know. I was kind of surprised too. But whatever, who cares? It's Jordan, and you know what? I feel like Stella has changed. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you think Stella changed?"

"I don't know. She's the same with me." 

She's completely different. She's slowly changing.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. She seems calm and not so repulsive, and the good thing is that she's not getting into fights with anyone." He shakes the water out of his hair again, "ah, my partner in crime is gone on a hiatus."

"She got into a fight with Luna," I say as Milo shoos his hand, making my eyebrows narrow.

"Luna's a different story." Milo says as if I should know that.

"She fought with Eric."

"Same thing there too. They usually fight over stupid things and become friends again. I'm so used to it. It gets kind of annoying at times, but we're all used to it. In fact, Jennie shipped it." Milo says, scoffing at his statement.

"Oh. That's the case then huh?" I say as he nods. Why would Jennie ship those two? I totally expected more from her.

"Enough talking. Aren't you hungry?" Milo asks.

"Yeah. I guess."

"Why do you sound unsure?" Milo frowns at me, crunching his plastic water into a ball. It looks like a plastic rock which he might be ready to throw at someone.

"I'm not unsure."

"Cabin food doesn't suit you?"

"Milo, where is this conversation going?" I chuckle as he shrugs, throwing his plastic ball in the garbage bin nearby as we walk towards the cafeteria.

As we enter the cafeteria through the wooden doors, I see Jordan and Stella laughing as they eat their food. From the other side I see Gus and Minho coming towards their table while Milo and I look for some food.

How did Jordan and Stella end up talking to each other? I thought Stella didn't like Jordan after the whole Jennie and Jordan scenario. Then again there were no activities where Jennie and Jordan could be together.

Maybe Stella finds Jordan comfortable to talk to rather than me. Jordan gets along with anyone, he's the social type. People like to associate with him, get to know him better. No wonder girls are always chasing him, trying to get closer to him.

I wonder how Stella and Jordan found their ways to each other.

"You have been thinking a lot haven't ya?" Jordan's voice interrupts my thoughts.

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