8. a jock an artist?

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Stella's P.O.V


As my paintbrush grazes over the smooth canvas, my thoughts invade with all the beautiful things in life. The trees, the flowers and the blazing sun that casts down upon us. Art is the best way to express yourself. To show your emotions and passions through colour. My apron is splattered with colours of yellow and green and I have more than 5 paintbrushes dipped in a cup of warm water.

Although I'm not fond of school, art club is the best thing there is. As I'm doing the finest details on my painting, I look around the room to see people just like me. Okay, not just like me but close enough. Everyone is telling their story on their canvas whereas, when my eyes look at the image I created....I'm not sure why I drew it. Sometimes, pictures just come to my head and I have to put it down.

As I'm looking around, I see someone in the corner of the room. His black hoodie covers his head and I can't see his face very well because of the canvas in front of him. I wonder what he's drawing.

"Oh my Stella. That is a very beautiful painting."

I accidentally smear some red paint on my cheek when I turn around to face the teacher who chuckles at me. "Oh...thanks Mrs. Silva."

"You are getting more interesting in every painting. Just like this one here. I would be very eager to know what inspired you to make this." She smiles at me as she pats my shoulder, only to lift her hand up to have red paint on her palm.

I let out a little laugh as she shakes her head with a smile on her face. Again, my eyes land on the mysterious person in the corner. I pick myself from my seat a little to see his face more clearly but then knock down my cup of water. Everyone's eyes land on me and the water spill on the floor. I mentally curse myself for not balancing. As I get some napkins to clean the mess, my ears are surprised to hear Mrs. Silva say, "Very good Jordan."

I might have just knocked someone's cup of water if I were careful enough.

Jordan? Is this Jordan? Stuart's Jordan? I don't recall hearing his last name. Maybe this is some other Jordan. It can't be Stuart's Jordan.

It can't be.

Minutes later, the boy (assuming it's Jordan), stands up and hands in his project.

"Where should I put this?" He asks Mrs. Silva. Even his voice sounds like Jordan. I can't tell because his back is facing against me. I'm sure I've heard that voice before.

The moment he turns around, my jaw touches the floor.

It is Jordan.

Stuart's Jordan.

In art club.

He gives me a smile as he chuckles at my mouth agape. Before I even knew it, I feel someone stand behind me.

"Yours is really amazing. What's the concept?"

I look up to see him looking down at the painting. I'm still shocked over the fact that he is presently in this club. He's a jock. The lacrosse captain. What is he doing in a boring club like this?

"C-concept..?" He looks over at me with an amused look.

Don't ask me why I'm like this. I'm still in pure shock.

"Yeah. What made you want to paint this?"

I can't look at him in the eyes.

I take my paintbrush and dip it into the new cup of warm water. Instead of me being all careful and cautious with my arm, I take out my brush too quickly to have to cup topple over the side of the table. All the water in the cup falls on Jordan's shoes.

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