29. i missed you

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Stella's P.O.V

My heart is racing. I literally scamper around the campsite, trying to look for Eric. They seriously can't be playing a prank on me right? Why would he suddenly appear at the camp of all places? The beating in my heart increases at the mere thought of seeing him again.

I let out a deep sigh as I can't figure out where he would be. I think they just decided to play a prank on me since I do it to them all the time.

When I'm about to turn back to head to the kitchen cabin, I hear the sound of something falling onto the ground.

I turn around and my eyes widen to see Eric a few meters away from me.

He's by the canoe lake tying the boats to the deck and picks up the box that fell from his hands from the ground. He doesn't notice me as he looks down into his clipboard, sticking his tongue out in concentration. 

My eyes never leave him. I haven't moved from my spot either.

He has changed over the years. His hair's now slightly longer and is swept to the side like he had just taken a nice walk through the breeze. He's taller, muscular and hotter.

I feel my heart ready to come out from my chest.

I slowly walk towards him, the sounds of leaves crunching underneath my shoes causing him to look up at me from his clipboard.

I abruptly stop like I've been caught for doing something bad.

He shoots me his dazzling smile and I feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Well? Aren't you going to say hi?" He chuckles which causes me to blink from my trance.

I let out a soft laugh as I put a piece of my hair behind my ear. His eyes focus on me and he grins widely. He puts his arms out and I walk towards him, wrapping my arms around.

"Hi." I say with a giggle.

He pulls back from the hug and smiles, "Stella! Oh wow. Look who's taller?"

I roll my eyes at him, "Yeah yeah whatever. But hey! I was taller than you by 2 centimeters."

"Oh good ol grade eight. So what's up?"

"After three years you ask me 'what's up'?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

He purses his lips, "Oh, was I supposed to ask something else?"

"No stupid. What are you doing here? At this campsite?"

"I heard you got KP," He says as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yeah, not a surprise. I knew I would get it. If not now, then eventually."

"Now, to answer your question I moved back to New York-"

"Wait, you moved back!? When?" I demand quickly as Eric lets out an adorable chuckle.

"3 weeks ago, actually. I'm here because I had to finish my volunteer service and because I really had nothing better to do." He says.

"So you're here now? Oh my gosh Eric! That's amazing!"

He grins at my beaming face, "Any new pranks that I should know about?"

"Oh, a ton. I can't even tell you all of them. But now that you're here, I can finally have fun." I smile at him.

"Yeah, you bet. But... remember, the only reason why I'm here is to count how many boats this camp has." He groans, "I have no idea how I'm going to survive."

"Oh I know, Castor. I know."

He checks a couple of things on his clipboard with his black ink pen, "And......87."

"87 what?"

"Boats. There, I'm done for now. 5 more hours to go." He says as he shoots me a playful grin.

That grin that always causes my insides to become mush.

"If you're done, then come on!!" I grab his arm but he stops me.

"Whoah, hold on a second! Just let me put this back and then I'll come with you." He laughs and walks to one of the instructors. After a few minutes, he comes back with another smile, "Come on. We can go now."

We start to walk by the creek in the dark night. Right now everything seems amazing. My best friend, my crush, my youthful adventure partner, came back after three years. I'm probably the happiest person alive right now.

"Eric, I think you became even more slower than the last time I saw you." I say as I smirk at him walking casually.

"Slower? Take that back." He gives me a challenging look as I cross my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow.


"Well, Lorentis hear this. I'm going to join the army. Actually,I forgot to mention, I've already joined."

What the what?!

I look at him with widened eyes as he smiles softly at me. "The army? But you're still in school. How did you join the army? Wait what?"

"I got in with the help of my dad's friend but I still got to graduate from high school. When I'm 20, that's when I'll actually start." Eric says.

"Yeah when you're twenty. You still got like 3 years."

"Those three years will pass by. And you know my love for fighting." He says.

"I always thought that was something all boys did. I just thought it was for fun. I never knew you were actually going to be serious about it." I say quietly as Eric slings his arm over my shoulder.

"Well Stella, I guess that's one thing you never knew about me."

I don't know what to feel about this. He just came back and now he's going to serve in the military at such a young age? A young boy from New York?

My stomach churns but it's not from him being this close to me.

I've been quiet ever since he told me about his future plans. He senses my silence and pokes my cheek playfully, causing me to look at him with unreadable eyes.

"I missed you."

I smile softly at him, wondering if this would really be the last time I'll ever see him. 

"I missed you too."

He grins widely as he pulls me closer to his side, ruffling my hair in the process. I smack his arm as he lets out a laugh, "Still the same feisty Stella."

 I chuckle at his comment as the both of us continue to walk close to the creek. I've realized how much you miss a person. My life was changed after he moved to the Chicago. I had lost my partner in crime and the person who made me the most happy.

The person who made all three of us happy.

After he left, everything was gone.

The laughter, the smiles, the jokes, the happiness.


It was replaced by resentment, bitter thoughts, jealousy and pride.

Eric is looking at the night sky as my eyes travel to his brown hair to his dark eyebrows, his green eyes and the smile on his lips.

How long will we stay like this? How long will it take for him to realize that I'm nothing without him?

It seems like a bitter goodbye almost. He's going to be here for a short moment only and I want to cherish it with him.

I want it to be like the old days so badly.

But it can't. 

And it will probably never be.


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