9. balloon fight?

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I look at the list:


-Sleeping bag


-Hiking boots/flip flops


-Books/no phone, ipod, iphone or tablet

-Fishing vest


-Toothbrush and toothpaste

-Shampoo, soap, body wash


Instantly, my phone starts to buzz and I crane my neck to see Jordan's goofy face appearing on my screen. I let out a chuckle as I pick it up,"Hey."

"Dude, did you see the list?"

"Yea I did but I don't think I have all the stuff though," I say, looking through my once neat closet. I see piles of flannels and white shirts and some pairs of dark jeans. I'm not sure how much to pack.

"Yea, me neither. I mean, my mom doesn't even have this much stuff on her grocery list." he says as I hear a crunch on the other side of the line.

He's back to eating chips again.

"I could always ask my dad. If we even have that stuff. Our garage is pretty full with some junk." I say.

"Do we even have to go?" Jordan asks, letting out a whine. I can already imagine him on his computer with a bag of chips nearby.

"You get extra marks. For gym and survival skills," I say. "Whatever the heck that means."

"That's stupid. I already play lacrosse," Jordan says.

Another crunch.

"Thanks for rubbing it in. I don't play! And I hate the book we're reading in English, so I can get extra marks if we go to the museum. Apparently the museum can help in our final essay."

"Oh great. Final essay. I really hate her now." Jordan grumbles as I hear some more sounds of his fingers in the chip bag.  At this point, I think he has me on speaker.

"I guess the museum can help us, right?" I say, trying to sound optimistic.

"That's if we go." Jordan says and I roll my eyes.

Well, he's always there to bring my optimism down.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me." I hear him say as I raise my eyebrows. I'm not even surprised he knew that I did that. We've grown to pickup facial expressions without even seeing it.

"I still need the marks."

"Okay fine that's true, but still. Camping? Museum? I could do that any day," he says.

"Good for you. But I need those extra marks, or I'll fail English and gym."

"I don't think you can fail gym." Jordan says, as I hear him crunch on more chips.

"That's easy for you to say. Captain of the lacrosse team? Bench boy?"

"You're making it sound worse than it already is. You know what this means. If you're going, then I have to go too. God, this is torture." Jordan says.

"Yes, that's right. You better come. I'll drag you by your ass."

I hear Jordan chuckle. "Not if I catch you first. Anyways, I got to go, see you later."

I end the call and stare at the list, blinking a few times quickly. I finally decide to throw myself on the bed and think about packing later.  


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