5. not liking the nickname

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Stuart's P

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Stuart's P.O.V

After telling Jordan my whole story with Stella and the guidance counselor, it was time to meet Shauna and Stella. For some valuable time.

I walk through the halls bustling with students as they make their way to lunch and find the Guidance Counselor room. I open the door and enter, seeing kids sitting on chairs. Some are sleeping, some are reading, some are chewing bubble gum, and one of them is Stella.

It surprises me how she's the only girl among them.

She rolls her eyes when she sees me, playing with her gum wrapper. Shauna spots us as she makes her way to get a clipboard and motions us to come in, opening the door. I walk inside and see Stella spit her gum out in a plant.

She closes the door and sits down on the chair, twirling her hair around her finger. Shauna sits down and places her hands on her desk, "Well, did you have a good lunch?"


"Guess so." Stella replies frankly. She's too busy staring at one of her split ends with her eyebrows furrowed together.

"I have some other kids to talk to, so I will be in the other room. I hope you guys get to know each other a little better. Okay?" Shauna smiles at her before getting her coffee mug and leaving the room.

Stella rolls her eyes, "Yea, sure."

I'm left with Stella in the brown office. I have a moment to look around the place, taking in the brown furniture and the different certificates framed on the walls. An old roman clock is placed by the large window and there's a fresh scent in the room. The sunlight shines through the room, so that I could see Stella's dark hair almost appear as a chestnut colour.

"Why did you stay when it was my turn with Shauna?" She demands suddenly, turning her head to face me.

Startled, I put my hand on my heart and sigh with relief as she frowns at me.

Jesus. Scary.

"I didn't have a choice. She told me to stay. What do you think? I wanted to stay and hear your problems?"

"Well, I wasn't eager to hear your chuckling either."

"I had to chuckle. After hearing you talk."

"Yea, chucky number 2 will be named after you, Degray," she says, rolling her eyes.

"Oh you wish." I scoff as she just makes a weird face at me.

"I'm pretty sure you told your friends about me, huh?" She demands, crossing her arms as she leans back into the chair.

"You don't cross my mind. I have better things to talk about." I say as she lets out a little laugh.

"You liar. I can see it on your face, Stewie," she smiles as she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

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