7. field trip?

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Stuart's P.O.V

I walk to my English class with Jordan beside me. It's the only class I had with him, except P.E and Lacrosse.

Jordan sits beside me and the French girl Marinette, sits in front of me. She always has her hair in a mountain of curls and she has really strong perfume with her. I would cough every time she sprayed it, and the teacher would never say anything.

Jordan glares at Marinette's head, "How does she do that?"

"Do what?" I ask.

"Those curls. I'm telling you, she's wearing a wig," Jordan says.

"A wig that big? Is that even possible?"

"Could be. If Marinette has it, then it must be possible," he says.

"It's literally a mountain," I mumble.

"At least Luna's hair looks real."

"Dude, since when did you start looking at people's hair?" 

"Ever since Stella told me that someone likes me." Jordan grins.

"You have so many girls liking you." I correct as he shrugs.

"Guess that's what happens when you don't do anything." He lets out a little laugh, his fingers going through his hair. I can see some girls let out sighs when he did that.

"You know; she'll make her best friend stop liking you right?" I state as he frowns at me.

"Why would she do that?" He asks.

"Dude, what was the scene at the hallway for? She hates both of us."

"She hates you, Stuart. You know that right?" He chortles as I roll my eyes.

"Yea, and I hate her too. It's torture sitting with her and trying to talk to her, because there's nothing to talk about."

"What about that guidance counselor? What was her name? Shauna? Where is she when you're with Stella?"

"She leaves and goes to another room. It's like she realizes that's the time she has to make her coffee or something. Socialize with other counselors, I don't even know." 

It's strange. I don't think she's supposed to do that. She must be serious when she means that she wants us to get to know each other. Why did I get stuck with a girl like Stella?

"Ouch," Jordan purses his lips.

"Not helping." I frown.

"It might not be so bad," Jordan says, looking at the bright side.

I literally mean the bright side because he's looking outside the window with sparkling eyes.

"Dude, do me a favor and shut up."

"I really wish I had a camera." He sighs, looking at the bright trees in the sunlight.

"Use your phone. Phones have pretty good cameras too."

He scoffs, looking at me in disappointment. "Obviously, professional cameras are better. I won't be able to capture the trees without going outside to take a proper look. Besides, I don't want to loose my phone to the hands of her." He says as he shoots a look to Mrs. Rogers.

"She still has your old phone?" I ask, eyes widened.

He responds with a huff, his eyes narrowing.

"Okay, listen up," Mrs. Rogers says.

I look up from my paper, seeing that she's writing something on the board. When she moves away, this is what's written:

Field Trip

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